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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/25/2018 in all areas

  1. today we want to share with the community our upcoming release "Auto Backup System" . this plugin is a revolutionary backup system for Blesta, it has some features that is not exist in Blesta and either in other Competitors. the New Plugin is making backups in two sense, Database and Files, then they are send to cloud storages system like dropbox and gdrive, amazon s3 (more storages will be added ) . some features - The backup System store the backup files and database in upload directory . - The database backup is made with a native php function and not by the mysqldump command that a lot of hosting providers disable it for accounts . - The backup system send files/database to configured remote cloud storages . - Option to exclude tables from database . we have the intention to add this features after the first release : 1 - Email Summary for the backup done 2 - Add Microsoft Drive as Cloud Storage 3 - Option To restore Files, Database the plugin already done, and we are testing it in live production now to see the results . What do you think? any feature you want to see in this plugin?
    4 points
  2. Shoot, it is possible! Awesome! The trick is moving the selector over to "module" instead of "package"
    2 points
  3. I could have sworn this was possible. I don't have an example I can pull up with cPanel, but here it is with the universal module. In the example, the universal module has one product called "Servers", but for cPanel this should be a list of all cPanel servers that you can multi-select.
    2 points
  4. it was resolved by editing the value of the above config in php.ini session.gc_probability = 1 session.gc_divisor = 100
    2 points
  5. It would be great if the mass mailer recipients could be filtered by module row data. For example, say when using the cPanel module you need to email the customers of a single server for a maintenance window. Currently this is not possible. I'm aware of the WHM mail utility but that has a number of downsides one of which is potentially wrong/outdated email addresses, poor deliverability, people don't expect that sender, etc.
    1 point
  6. You got the Blesta Owned Unbranded, which came with 1 year support & updates. We didn't offer the $500 Lifetime version until after v3 was officially released, so it wasn't available when you purchased v2 and got a free v3 license.
    1 point
  7. So you want to show the information, and then continue to show the confirmation page? Or continue to pay offline, and then show the confirmation page? I think it doesn't do that, because then it would have to register a transaction.. but maybe it should register a PENDING transaction.. so that as an admin, you know they selected that option and intend to pay. Then when they send payment, you can change the status from PENDING to ACTIVE. Thoughts?
    1 point
  8. I chat with @DeanCollins about this today, in case anyone thinks I didn't respond. Hopefully we can get you up and running in the near future.
    1 point
  9. Yes it has, from the plugin it has the number of files to keep, (not days). for database we have interval setting cron , so it can be 1/2/3/ hours or 15 mins ect .. for files it has time so it can be a specific time, and we prefer to be in the night and not in midnight 00:00:00 .
    1 point
  10. A few comments on this: Blesta is TLS agnostic. This is more an issue of OS, though I'm not sure if older versions of PHP are capable of modern TLS. I would set up a CentOS 6.9 server with PHP 5.2/5.3 and test it. I *think* v2.5.4 supports up to PHP 5.3, but I'm not totally sure. Blesta v3 was a full rewrite. No modules for 2.x will work in 3.0+. If you want a module for 2.5.4 ported to the latest release, feel free to reach out. And finally, I would highly recommend migrating over to the latest release. There are so many improvements over 2.5 it's crazy.
    1 point
  11. Great work! Database + files, to a cloud service sounds great. One thing you didn't mention is whether it stores multiple copies of the backup on remote storage, if you can set how frequently to perform the backups, and if it can rotate out old backups from the remote storage (ie keep 30 days worth).
    1 point
  12. Tyson

    Paypal Recurring Payments

    You may want to check with your PayPal account to be sure that the IPN request is set up to be made for the recurring payment. Sometimes, particularly if the IPN request had continuously failed, PayPal will disable it and no longer send IPN requests. It might be referencing the wrong URL (for example, if you moved your Blesta installation to a new location), or if the server hosting Blesta does not support TLS 1.2, PayPal will not be able to negotiate a handshake with the server in attempt to send the IPN. The latter doesn't seem like the issue since you receive manual payments, but still worth double-checking. If either of those is the problem, you'll need to resolve them first and then re-enable the recurring IPN in PayPal.
    1 point
  13. Michael

    BlestaForums Development

    So I've been a bit busy on my time off, doing bits I can. I've also had help from @timnboys who has been adding features like locking a thread and staff only permissions as he needs them for his own personal forum as-well. So added them to the forum whilst I've been working. But this is what I've done: Forum Index: - Purple Arrow: Now has the last poster (Will link to their profile - I've still got to fix the updating the username and UID to the table). - Violet arrow: You can see the colour of the client group and the link goes to their profile. Member List: Updated User profile: Still got a lot to do to tidy that page up so the comments have the main thread title (I'm having errors grabbing the title.) Maybe limit the characters per post on the profile so a big post doesn't overflow.
    1 point
  14. Great move to make too. As Blesta.Store said Paul would be able to answer RE the dealer. Regarding the plugins, you can just start creating them. https://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/Creating+a+Plugin Personally, I found it easier just to have a look at the code of a similar plugin/gateway/module and work from that. I find the below helpful as well https://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/Module+Methods
    1 point
  15. qba82

    SMTP username problem

    Ok solved, I had www.domain.com instead domain.com in all mail templates...
    1 point
  16. thanks, now it works.
    1 point
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