As stated, I would reupload all files to be safe. If you've made any javascript or template edits you may have something conflicting. Try with the default file set and see if that resolves your issue.
It would be nice to allow using markdown or styling html in the offline gateway description . as now it show only text and break lines.
that way we can show a notice message, alert boxes or even if some bootstrapped message .
Neither Blesta nor the gateway requires an update to support TLS 1.2. This is server-related. You should contact your hosting company and tell them you need them to support TLS 1.2.
HTML and Markdown are different. I think Tyson is saying that Markdown is supported, but that's not the same as entering your own HTML. See for more on Markdown syntax.
Wrong. id_value is for display purposes, and it's not joined with any other tables. If id_value were unique, Blesta installs with multiple companies would not be able to have clients, or packages, or many other things with overlapping ID's.
Also don't appreciate the language, and your response comes across a bit arrogant.
The Offline Payment Gateway "Instructions" currently support Markdown syntax. It just doesn't show you that in the UI because we don't currently have a Markdown editor available.