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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/15/2018 in all areas

  1. Blesta version 4.3.0-b1 (BETA 1) is now available. You can download it from right here (Client Area Login Required). Read the blog post announcement at https://www.blesta.com/2018/06/15/blesta-4.3-beta-released/ This is a BETA release. Beta releases are not considered stable enough for production use, and are UNSUPPORTED. DO NOT INSTALL IN A PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT. Please report any bugs you find in the v4.3 beta bug forum. Installing Blesta See Installing Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Upgrading Blesta See Upgrading Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Release Notes See Blesta Core - Version 4.3.0-b1. For older releases see all Change Logs.
    2 points
  2. Blesta Addons

    tax inclusive

    The issue is here, for Inclusive , we enter the price with tax included in the price, so in the package pricing we should enter 110.00 and not 100.00 . the tax value is shown for informative info and not calculated with total or the subtotal . Inclusive Subtotal: 115.000 Tax: 10.00 Total: 115.00 Invoice Total (what the client is charged): 115.00 Exclusive Subtotal: 105 Tax: 10 Total: 115 Invoice Total (what the client is charged): 115 this is what we have in our country .
    2 points
  3. Tyson

    tax inclusive

    So if the package price is £2.40, is the following correct? Inclusive Subtotal: £3.00 Total: £3.00 Including VAT @20%: £0.60 Exclusive Subtotal: £2.40 VAT @20%: £0.60 Total: £3.00 Either way, the customer pays £3.00. You just show the tax inclusive in the total or exclusive not in the total?
    1 point
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