What would you expect to see for indicating whether a line item is a new service or a renewing one?
[New] Package Name - Service Name (Apr 12, 2018 - Apr 12, 2019)
[Renewal] Package Name - Service Name (Apr 12, 2018 - Apr 12, 2019)
[New] Package Name - Service Name
[Renewal] Package Name - Service Name
Not sure what you mean you can use a hostname for the server control panel but that's not part of Blesta or do you mean they can have a hostname for their IP, as that's normally the user's responsibility.
The two applications don't share identical hashing algorithms or secret keys so they wouldn't generate the same hashed passwords, nor should they. This is more of a use case solvable using a single sign-on approach instead, i.e., create the user in Blesta with a random password and when they log in to Laravel have them initialize a session with their account in Blesta using the Shared Login plugin.