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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/23/2018 in all areas

  1. Paul

    Vultr Module (Alpha)

    A new Vultr alpha module is available. To install, download the attached vultr.zip and unzip the file. Upload the vultr directory to ~/components/modules/ and go to Settings > Company > Modules to install it. Be sure to check out the documentation. Any comments or suggestions, please post them below. This module was sponsored by hostjane.com. Be sure to check them out.
    1 point
  2. Blesta Addons

    [Plugins] CashBox

    Cashbox Plugin is a tool that convert your blesta into a real cashbox, so you can with your staff manage the received cash and the spent money from this cash, you can see all transaction with dates, amount, staff ..ect, you can add a spent transaction. The plugin has a permission staff group, so you can check wish staff can list transaction, Add Spent transaction, Edit Transaction, Edit Settings. It Important to set a date of begin , that will start the transaction from in the setting page. The Plugin has a widget for admin staff to show the current money in the cashbox for every currency . This Plugin has it own table, so is not sharing/using/editing the transactions table, is a standalone plugin, the transactions table used only for calculs (Read Only Mode). The Plugin Require Pro Subscription
    1 point
  3. Version 1.8.4 released.
    1 point
  4. As far as I know they link to this github project from https://www.namesilo.com/Support/Reseller-Options
    1 point
  5. the function in the model is not returning the rules set, private function getRules($vars) { $rules = [ 'term' => [ 'format' => [ 'if_set' => true, 'pre_format' => [[$this, 'formatTerm'], ['_linked' => 'period']], 'rule' => 'is_numeric', 'message' => $this->_('Pricings.!error.term.format') ], 'length' => [ 'if_set' => true, 'rule' => ['maxLength', 5], 'message' => $this->_('Pricings.!error.term.length') ], 'valid' => [ 'if_set' => true, 'rule' => [[$this, 'validateTerm'], ['_linked' => 'period']], 'message' => $this->_('Pricings.!error.term.valid') ] ], 'period' => [ 'format' => [ 'if_set' => true, 'rule' => [[$this, 'validatePeriod']], 'message' => $this->_('Pricings.!error.period.format') ] ], 'price' => [ 'format' => [ 'if_set' => true, 'pre_format' => [[$this, 'currencyToDecimal'], ['_linked' => 'currency'], 4], 'rule' => 'is_numeric', 'message' => $this->_('Pricings.!error.price.format') ] ], 'setup_fee' => [ 'format' => [ 'if_set' => true, 'pre_format' => [[$this, 'currencyToDecimal'], ['_linked' => 'currency'], 4], 'rule' => 'is_numeric', 'message' => $this->_('Pricings.!error.setup_fee.format') ] ], 'cancel_fee' => [ 'format' => [ 'if_set' => true, 'pre_format' => [[$this, 'currencyToDecimal'], ['_linked' => 'currency'], 4], 'rule' => 'is_numeric', 'message' => $this->_('Pricings.!error.cancel_fee.format') ] ], 'currency' => [ 'format' => [ 'if_set' => true, 'rule' => ['matches', '/^(.*){3}$/'], 'message' => $this->_('Pricings.!error.currency.format') ] ] ]; } i think it should have in the end a return $rules;
    1 point
  6. It would be great if the mass-mailer supported sending to only contacts of the specified/selected countries as a filtering options.
    1 point
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