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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/2018 in all areas

  1. it would perfect if the gateways manager can make a country filter, or the order form, the idea is to provide gateway X to a specific users in country X . or to provide the gateways to all countries .this will not override the currency supported in gateway. let say we have paypal that we will use for the curency USD. so now any users has usd as default currency can pay with paypal if selected in order form, now let say we want to prohibit users that are in pakistan, iran, irak, xxxx from using the paypal gateway even if they have usd as default currency, and allow only gateway X to be used . it's a great features that will allow us to use specific gateways in some cases . i think we have talked this option before but not sure where, but i have opened a new feature request https://requests.blesta.com/topic/option-to-showhide-payments-gateways-per-country if blesta has a event for GatewayManager.getAll(), that can return values , we can use a custom plugin with the new events created getAll(), something like in the Gatewaymanager $this->Events->register('GatewayManager.getAll', ['EventsGatewayManagerCallback', 'getAll']); $gateways_filtered = $this->Events->trigger(new EventObject('GatewayManager.getAll', ['gateways' => $gateways])); // return data if the event ahs a data to return if (!empty($gateways_filtered)) { return $gateways_filtered; } return $gateways; if blesta found the logic is pretty good, they can do it in so many others events like getAllInstalledNonmerchant() or in other models .
    1 point
  2. The AdminManagePlugin controller is a special controller (see docs for reference) that loads the plugin management controller from /admin/settings/company/plugins/manage/PLUGIN_ID/ in Blesta. If you want your mapping to be managed similarly, you should create methods in AdminManagePlugin to do so, and use GET arguments to request your specific AdminManagePlugin method (e.g. "AdminManagePlugin::refresh" is called when visiting admin/settings/company/plugins/manage/PLUGIN_ID/?action=refresh). If you want to manage your plugin elsewhere, such as from its own page, you can certainly do so however you'd like, as the plugin's controllers can be requested directly at their own URI, e.g. /admin/plugin/feed_reader/my_controller/my_method/
    1 point
  3. Tyson

    Set language no longer work

    We've decided to update this in CORE-2630 for v4.3.0 to have the event trigger after we've set the language, so in your case, you'll be able to override it.
    1 point
  4. I have to imagine others see this too: A client has numerous addresses and they add them all and then they can't remember where to check for follow up emails or which one to use for signing in and they create their own confusion. I personally don't see the need for all of those addresses so it would be nice to control it a little bit and cut down on the live chats and support tickets about it.
    1 point
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