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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/28/2018 in all areas

  1. Tyson

    [SOLVED] 4.2.2 high cpu

    Under what circumstances do you notice the system hanging? Perhaps a cron task is taking a lot of resources at that particular time? If so, it'd be useful to know what cron task is currently running. The following query may help you identify any running cron tasks if executed when you notice the performance degradation SELECT `cron_tasks`.* FROM `log_cron` INNER JOIN `cron_task_runs` ON `cron_task_runs`.`id` = `log_cron`.`run_id` INNER JOIN `cron_tasks` ON `cron_tasks`.`id` = `cron_task_runs`.`task_id` WHERE `log_cron`.`end_date` IS NULL AND `log_cron`.`run_id` != 0;
    2 points
  2. Hello All Blestars. we are happy to announce the release of our new wanted plugin, Notification Center. this plugin will allow admin to set wish action/event he should alerted by in some apps . the plugin is modular and can accept more apps in the future, any developer can write it own app inside the plugin, is totally easy, just check one of our ready app like slack . at the moment the plugin is in beta and testing period, we have add only 2 apps now (Slack Via API token, and Slack via Webhooks) . Apps Added Until Now : Slack Via API token Slack via Webhooks Alert Popup Notification (Dashboard) Telegram Pushover Hipchat Discord Onesignal (Soon) Slack Notifiactions Dashboard Notifications Telegram Notifications this plugin requiere the VIP (Gold) subscription . Order Link as always the installtion steps is : 1 - download the file from client area . 2 - upload the notification folder inside plugin directory . 3 - goto plugins , and install Notification Center. 4 - enjoy the content .
    1 point
  3. Mainly from the client's perspective, I may just do a header and footer for now, but I'd like to try customize the theme. I was thinking maybe the main order page could be horizontal blocks similar to the blocks on the front page, But the default order page looks neat the way it is, vertical, I just don't have many packages to fill that page yet. It might be good for some people to have the option to choose a few different styles for the order page. I'll try mess around with the code, or I may have to buy a custom theme.
    1 point
  4. in this case your answer above can do the job invoice.client.id_code
    1 point
  5. {% for invoice in invoices %} Client ID Code 1: {invoice.client.id_value} Client ID Code 2: {invoice.client.id_code} {% endfor %} Both these will return the client id your looking for though, working work around for now. ex. 1500
    1 point
  6. evolvewh

    Registar for .DK domains

    OpenSRS / Tucows is a reseller offering the .dk TLD
    1 point
  7. we have in our TODO list, we will add it soon .
    1 point
  8. I bet the slowdown is happening with Plesk itself, especially if the plesk API waits to return a response to Blesta until after the account is actually deleted.
    1 point
  9. This request has been talked a years ago, i think exist a CORE ID for it . and i vote for this request also, it would be perfect to allow admin set wich widget to serve in the client area, including plugins widget . (by default they should all enabled ).
    1 point
  10. Yes, it not include non marchent, because they are in Top Revenue by Payment Types. Tested in and tested in some installation , it include only the active server in the active tab, any screenshot or proof of error to see what we can do .
    1 point
  11. 1 point
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