A new Vultr alpha module is available.
To install, download the attached vultr.zip and unzip the file. Upload the vultr directory to ~/components/modules/ and go to Settings > Company > Modules to install it. Be sure to check out the documentation.
Any comments or suggestions, please post them below.
This module was sponsored by hostjane.com. Be sure to check them out.
Just to add, if for no other reason than to take a few more wacks at this dead horse:
My mobile email is set to my phone number @ my cell provider. Many cell providers provide an email to SMS gateway. Email the address, get a text message. In this way, the mobile emails go to my phone as a text message. Great for emergency support and orders.
Not a bad idea. I wonder how much demand there would be for this.
- Ask for email for out of stock items
- Save email, linked to package
- On Package edit, if item quantity available > 0, send email
Pretty logical.
Take the time as you need to do it right! I prefer to wait rather than have a "buggy" version. Keep up the good work and continue to value quality over speed!
Thanks Paulo V.
Are there any screenshots of the new features ?
Or is there a changelog concerning the updates so that we can test those features within the plugin once released ?
You are correct about the ">/dev/null 2>&1". I should have my last sentence to read " at the end, and since then and after doing all of the above my cron job problem was sorted. " I just removed momentarily the >/dev/null 2>&1 to give me visible results. :-) thanks
Regarding the php.ini file for the cron job path. phpinfo from the website returns:
Configuration File (php.ini) Path
Loaded Configuration File
whereas through ssh command: php -i | grep -i 'php.ini' returns:
Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /etc/php/7.0/cli
Loaded Configuration File => /etc/php/7.0/cli/php.ini
when using the latter path from ssh command my cron job was running correctly.