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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2018 in all areas

  1. Jono

    Blesta logs

    Are you referring to the module logs? These are stored in the database in the 'log_modules' table and can be viewed through the interface at admin/tools/logs/module/.
    2 points
  2. Michael

    BlestaForums Development

    Very true and thank you for your support mate. But Blesta's core is securer than VBulletin which had a bad exploit before. so we're building on top of that secure(r) core and we'll have it tested soon for anything which may happen and even if I can afford it get Rack911Labs to check it but the code will be open minus what we need for licensing purposes like the CMS. We'll also have an open-source license which doesn't include licensing. I do hope one day that there will be a XenForo and IPB bridge soon but this will have a much better connection with Blesta's clients. so if you want to limit forums to certain client groups / products this plugin will be able to do it one-day . ---- Alpha 3: Finally got the threads viewing and the forum looks cool at the moment, just need to do the forms to add threads and make a comment section, as-well as the User information instead of the user's id at the moment Video: https://screencast.com/t/NX1BQX5mMe Previews: Added forum title to the threads page. Added the thread content: Hi = Thread content Hi there & Boo = Posts / Comments.
    2 points
  3. That's what I did. It's working fine now.
    2 points
  4. This exacly what we have. And we dont have to disable any email template.
    1 point
  5. Oh ok, that makes sense. To get around that you could go to Settings > Company > Emails and disable both Invoice Delivery (Paid) and Invoice Delivery (Unpaid) email templates. If they are disabled, no invoice emails will go out, and the customer could have email selected as the type. However, I can see how showing "None" may be less confusing to the customer if they login and see Email and wonder why they don't get them.
    1 point
  6. Do you have mod_rewrite enabled in Apache? If not, you can delete your .htaccess file and access at /blesta/index.php/install assuming that you did upload to a blesta directory. Also, if you've applied the appropriate hotfix files for your version of PHP 7, you may try re-installing Ioncube. I've seen it crash with 500 errors when it wasn't installed correctly.
    1 point
  7. Hi, No I didn't think of Centos at the time, it wasn't an option when I rented the vps, I went with Ubuntu because it's free. My intention was to use the vps to host another application, but I decided it would be a good option for my billing setup. I have a few things using mysql databases, it took me the whole weekend to setup and I don't want to go backwards now. Went through the requirements, have Ioncube set up already, not sure about mailparse, I dunno, just want to get this thing up and running now and get to work on it.
    1 point
  8. Abdy


    I added the option to select the AutoDJ type and AutoDJ capabilities. https://github.com/blesta/module-centovacast/pull/2
    1 point
  9. Thank you all who have wished us good luck. just a reminder, This deal will be ending 03/01/18 at 12:01 AM
    1 point
  10. Blesta Addons

    Merge Invoice

    we can't wait blesta for every thing We have done this as plugin, we will release it soon when we test it in a live production. we need just the new pricing system for domain, no more .
    1 point
  11. Michael

    BlestaForums Development

    Evening update. Myself and Beav @GosuHost have been hard at work on the hard parts I've been stuck on and helping me with my cockups. Live Video: https://screencast.com/t/sUBbD3xqPm Previews: Forums now show the parent category in the admin area. (still 2 bugs on the admin edit we'll need to look into further though) Now you can view the threads in each forum: If there isn't any threads they show an error: And we've got the Add new thread form sorted (just need to get the actions working and linking it up with each thread so it's posted to the correct forum, with the thread owner):
    1 point
  12. Michael

    Unable to login to Staff Area

    I highly recommend you install it manually as Softaculous is a cool feature but can be a pain in the arse.
    1 point
  13. You're welcome MineHarvest helped with the Universal Module, the order plugin is editable but you have to edit the files as in code. /plugins/order/......
    1 point
  14. we can't control the latest blesta version, and we didn't want to maintain the latest version from our side, maybe if blesta can provide a url to check the latest blesta version we can implement it . if you mean update from admin side, so no ETA now, but is planned and need a great work/time .
    1 point
  15. Oww, licensecart has moved to WHMxx ... is a pain
    0 points
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