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[Module] Logicboxes Reloaded
Joseph H and one other reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
Logicboxes Reloaded For Blesta i want to share my updated logicbox Module , the module has some usefull feature not included in the core module : - Totally Compatible with the new Whois Registrant Change Policy. - Fix the missed ORDER-ID field in database for imported services . - Added/Changed Public Function in the module - getorderid : with it you can get the order-id of a Domain . - UpdateOrderID : This is the magic Function to update database if no order-id is available . - EditService : it was empty , now it Support the no_module use for local edit . - Added Child Name Service Tab (ADD -EDIT - DELETE ) - Just For client Side NOW - - Rearranged Navs for whois Tab To be Justify . - Add nav-bill to see the active Nav in contacts whois . - RAA Verification Status -if not verified , resend Verification Button- - Domain Status , Active , Lock , Suspended (with reason) - DOMAIN FORWARDING tab Settings - Commands Tab: renew domain manually, restore domain, send Verifiaction Email, Resend Aprouval Registrant email change whois. - Protect Privacy Option as config option - DNS MANAGEMENT tab Settings (NOT YET COMPLETED) - Change EPP Code + Send it Via Email . (NOT YET COMPLETED) - DNSSEC (NOT YET COMPLETED) - MOVE Domain To another Account . (NOT YET COMPLETED) Installation 1- Download the module file FROM Client Area 2- upload the Logicboxes Directory to Compenents/modules 3- Go to settings/modules/ update logicboxes module 4- You Are Done , ENJOY . ANY Suggestion , FeedBack , Bugs , Please Post it inthis thread . this Module require a the Pro (Silver) subscription . Order Link For screenshots visit the marketplace https://marketplace.blesta.com/#/extensions/71-Logicboxes Reloaded2 points -
We now offer a FREE membership plan that comes complete with cPanel and Plesk video articles, loaded into your Blesta knowledgebase. I've just updated the instructions above to reflect the new system and how to get the videos into your knowledgebase. The FREE Plan is FREE, with the following conditions: - the cPanel and Plesk end user series are the only two video series available with the free plan. That's 54 video articles added to your knowledgebase. - You must sign up for the FREE Plan to get these videos into your knowledgebase. - You cannot have custom branding (your logo) - for custom branding you must upgrade to a paid plan. - a short 5-10 second ad will play before your videos (FREE Plan only). About the Ads: - We developed this system to be able to offer our videos for free, in exchange for showing short video ads before your videos play. We have not sold any ads yet (as of Feb 12, 2018), but plan to offer them for sale within the next several weeks. When we do, we WILL NOT sell ads to any web hosting companies, or companies that compete with hosting providers as per our Terms of Use. This is to protect our members who are themselves hosting providers. To do this, we will be selling the ad space in-house, and all ads must be approved by us before going live. - Once our ad serving system is in place, we will start by simply advertising DemoWolf, and our video tutorials. Chances are a lot of your customers (who will be seeing your videos, and thus our ads) may run small hosting businesses themselves, or are themselves web developers... people who perhaps could use our videos in their own websites for THEIR customers. Therefore, until we start actually selling ad space, we will serve our own ads. - The ads we serve will contain a countdown timer so viewers will know how much longer the ad will run before their video starts. At this time, the plan is to allow either 5 or 10 second ads, and only 1 ad will play before your video. This ad will essentially take the place of your own logo branding that you would get if you upgrade to a paid plan. Paid Plans: - For those who do not want any ads to play before their videos, we offer two paid plans starting from $10/month (paid annually). For details, go to our Pricing page. Custom Logo Branding: - Paid plan members have the option of having their logo display for 5 seconds before their videos play. It can be a static logo or an animated intro if you like. If you'd like an animated intro but don't already have one, we can make one for you. For more information, go to our Logo Branding page. Watch the Videos: You can preview all available video tutorials on our website. Free Plan members can have either (or both) the cPanel Paper Lantern end user series (28 videos) or the Plesk Onyx end user series (26 videos) for free, while paid plan members can choose to have all 30+ series (over 450 videos as of Feb 12, 2018), or choose only the ones you want. All can be easily imported into your knowledgebase with just a few clicks. To watch any of the videos, go to our Video Tutorials Library page. For more information on how this all works: https://demowolf.com/how-it-works/ I'm happy to help by answering any question s you might have.0 Rob Moore DemoWolf.com2 points
To resume : No multi prices for domains yet No affiliate system yet No full EU invoicing system No order form for hosting industry yet No credit note yet More modules released More gateways released A lot of enhacements in the core B.A The only party that fight to release more addons as possible . PauloV was a great lose for blesta, but it seem has returned again2 points
[Module] Logicboxes Reloaded
PauloV and one other reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
We will release it soon, maybe next tomorrow or Monday2 points -
[Module] Epp Registrar
Paul reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
EPP Registrar Module For Blesta we have released our first release of Epp Registrar Module, the module is support almost any registrar that use EPP server for their domains registration, some ccTLD using EPP Server for thier platform, the module support : Register Domain Renew Domain Transfer Domain Restore Domain Delete Domain Change Whois Info Set Nameserver Set Child Name servers Lock/Unlock Domain Get EPP Code Command Tabs to : Renew Domain manually, Delete Domain (if possible) The Module us the AfriCC Library this Module require a the VIP (Gold) subscription . Order Link1 point -
[Module] Generic Domains
turner2f reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
Generic Domain Module For Blesta we have released our first release of Generic Domain Module, the module is support almost all Extension list in the IANA website and use Whois Library that didn't require any Settings or Subscription; The client/ Admins can register or transfer domain . As the module isn't tie to any registrar, so no tabs for clients, and registration outside blesta should be done manually. this Module require a the Pro (Silver) subscription . Order Link1 point -
A new CyberPanel alpha module is available. To install, download the attached cyberpanel.zip and unzip the file. Upload the cyberpanel directory to ~/components/modules/ and go to Settings > Company > Modules to install it. Any comments or suggestions, please post them below. cyberpanel.zip1 point
[Plugins] My Orders
PauloV reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
My Orders in Client Dashboard For Blesta we have just a released a new plugin called My Orders, this plugin will show in the client dashboard a list of client orders . the plugin in beta. the plugin has option to allow client cancel their pending orders (unpaid orders). The plugin didn't list fraud or in review orders . The plugin devide the Accepted order in two status : - Accepted = Any order with Accepted status and Paid Totally . - Pending = Any order with Accepted status and not paid, still need payment, this orders can be canceled by client . this Module require a the Pro (Silver) subscription . Order Link For screenshots visit the marketplace https://marketplace.blesta.com/#/extensions/72-My Orders we need your feedback's and ideas. we internally in debate about merging the plugin with clean order plugin and add other features like reminders for clients about their unpaid orders, the second point of view we insist that we should stay in standalone branch and add option to allow client cancel the order and ad the reminders in this new plugins . what do you thinks guys ?1 point -
WHMCS to Blesta
MineHarvest66 reacted to katycomputer for a question
Tyson, I have sympathy for your explanation. The problem we face is Stripe's request that we use their new technology or complete a painful PCI compliance process.1 point -
Allow Modules To Add Cron Tasks
Blesta Addons reacted to Tyson for a topic
It's not about what they're called, but how they function in the grand design of the system so that they can do what you want. It's very important to get a good design down early or there will be problems down the road.1 point -
Can't wait to use your updated Support Manager!1 point
Hello I will try to upgrade everithing on Support Manager Pro next week1 point
[Plugins] My Orders
PauloV reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
We have completed the task, and updated the plugin, now the client can cancel their unpaid orders . This version is a final version and stable one .1 point -
Required parameter missing:customer id
PauloV reacted to Blesta Addons for a question
just to note, our Logicboxes Reloaded module handle almost 90% of case when a required field is empty, also is optimized for error display, for example if a missed zip code it should the error that zip code is missed or phone or invalid address ...ect1 point -
Logicboxes considerate error response as success response
activa reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
This behavior lead to another issue, if i remember well, a renewal domain command was sent from blesta, then domain remain in processing for a while time then failed, after some weeks the client claim about their domain was not renewed, when we have chacked we found the domain has a success response in blesta but we have not find any trace in logicboxes, until we found a email from logicboxes platform say the renewal was failed . we have paid about 150$ to restore the domain for the client . we need a solid automatization, the other competitor manage this case 100%, they send a request in every cron to check if the operation was really successfully or not, if not they send the command again, and send email to staff for notification, the domain xxx still not renewed, registered .1 point -
Wow Excellent, I need something like that urgently1 point
1 point
[Plugin] News System
PauloV reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
News System For Blesta is our festival week of February, after Epp Registrar Module, Generic Domain Module, Logicboxed Reloaded Module, is time for our new News System For blesta, live news system for blesta demo can be found in our website. Admin Can : - Add/Edit/Delete Categories - Add/Edit/Delete News (Post) - Set Settings for the news system we have integrated our own ajax upload pictures for news images . The Plugin Support SEO/Urls and normal urls, also is compatible with our Seo Plugin for blesta. this Module require a the Pro (Silver) subscription . Order Link Any Feedback/Bugs/Request Post it here1 point -
Merge Invoice
PauloV reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
The intention is only merge unpaid/open Invoices/Proforma . or porforma if some laws not allow merge invoice ( i think exist a action called group invoices that is allowed, void 3 invoices and create new one) closed/paid invoice we can't touch it .1 point -
set status when recording new payment
activa reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
Yes; and that is the logic1 point -
Thanks for the report, we'll take a look. CORE-25941 point
Aaaaaand.. it's gone! Crypto correction, markets down massively in the past couple days. On second hand, maybe it's an opportunity to buy more.1 point
Just FYI, if anyone is interested in buying any BTC, LTC, or ETH on coinbase.com you can sign up with this link and if you deposit $100 or more both of us will get $10 in bitcoin. https://www.coinbase.com/join/5a1a0e84942a40026d012e3f1 point
What do you think about cryptocurrencies?
PauloV reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
why not invest the blesta-addons revenue in it . i have some friend that investing in exchange, they have profit but need a lot of time and observation, that i haven't so i decide just watching others making profit and feel happy for them1 point -
Afiliates Module for Blesta
PauloV reacted to FloXera-Jose for a topic
@lampard make no mistake. Blesta without the plugins that people like @Blesta Addons and cyandark is putting constantly in the market had much much less value as a piece of software management for hosting companies.We cant say thanks enough for the amount of energy, money and inspiration that these guys put in their modules and plugins that they create for we, the Blesta users and many of them for free, or with donation. Honestly i can't imagine working on a daily basis without the cPanel extended Module from @cyandark or the modules and plugins from Blesta Add ons and that they put constantly outside.1 point -
Do you offer custom Blesta development services? We are planning to create a new page on our website for 3rd party custom development resources. If you'd like to be on this page, please reply to this thread and include the following: Company Name Your Logo (Attached or URL to a logo we can use) Some information about what you offer. You can include pretty much anything you want to say marketing-wise. Be sure to include what kind of development you do. For example, Themes only, or Themes and Custom Development (plugins, gateways, modules, etc). The URL to your website or other contact method Thanks!1 point