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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/08/2018 in all areas

  1. Logicboxes Reloaded For Blesta i want to share my updated logicbox Module , the module has some usefull feature not included in the core module : - Totally Compatible with the new Whois Registrant Change Policy. - Fix the missed ORDER-ID field in database for imported services . - Added/Changed Public Function in the module - getorderid : with it you can get the order-id of a Domain . - UpdateOrderID : This is the magic Function to update database if no order-id is available . - EditService : it was empty , now it Support the no_module use for local edit . - Added Child Name Service Tab (ADD -EDIT - DELETE ) - Just For client Side NOW - - Rearranged Navs for whois Tab To be Justify . - Add nav-bill to see the active Nav in contacts whois . - RAA Verification Status -if not verified , resend Verification Button- - Domain Status , Active , Lock , Suspended (with reason) - DOMAIN FORWARDING tab Settings - Commands Tab: renew domain manually, restore domain, send Verifiaction Email, Resend Aprouval Registrant email change whois. - Protect Privacy Option as config option - DNS MANAGEMENT tab Settings (NOT YET COMPLETED) - Change EPP Code + Send it Via Email . (NOT YET COMPLETED) - DNSSEC (NOT YET COMPLETED) - MOVE Domain To another Account . (NOT YET COMPLETED) Installation 1- Download the module file FROM Client Area 2- upload the Logicboxes Directory to Compenents/modules 3- Go to settings/modules/ update logicboxes module 4- You Are Done , ENJOY . ANY Suggestion , FeedBack , Bugs , Please Post it inthis thread . this Module require a the Pro (Silver) subscription . Order Link For screenshots visit the marketplace https://marketplace.blesta.com/#/extensions/71-Logicboxes Reloaded
    2 points
  2. News System For Blesta is our festival week of February, after Epp Registrar Module, Generic Domain Module, Logicboxed Reloaded Module, is time for our new News System For blesta, live news system for blesta demo can be found in our website. Admin Can : - Add/Edit/Delete Categories - Add/Edit/Delete News (Post) - Set Settings for the news system we have integrated our own ajax upload pictures for news images . The Plugin Support SEO/Urls and normal urls, also is compatible with our Seo Plugin for blesta. this Module require a the Pro (Silver) subscription . Order Link Any Feedback/Bugs/Request Post it here
    2 points
  3. Generic Domain was released . Time for Affiliate System
    2 points
  4. EPP Registrar Module For Blesta we have released our first release of Epp Registrar Module, the module is support almost any registrar that use EPP server for their domains registration, some ccTLD using EPP Server for thier platform, the module support : Register Domain Renew Domain Transfer Domain Restore Domain Delete Domain Change Whois Info Set Nameserver Set Child Name servers Lock/Unlock Domain Get EPP Code Command Tabs to : Renew Domain manually, Delete Domain (if possible) The Module us the AfriCC Library this Module require a the VIP (Gold) subscription . Order Link
    1 point
  5. We have now a small time to develop something new for our subscribers . so we need your vote to decide what we will develop in the next weeks . 1 - Generic Domains Module a module that will manage domain, availability without the need to any registrar, it will support almost all tlds, cctlds, and new gtlds, something that we have seen request so many times in the forum . 2 - AdminLTE Update Theme so many clients request the update to the latest blesta v4, so we can do it . 3 - Dynadot module Module Dynadot is one of the most popular registrar in the world, has a great price for so many extensions, we believe it can help growing the businesses for some blestars. 4 - Affiliate System Plugin we have already something done, that need a core and order plugin files changes, but if you vote we can re-look again to try make it standalone or at least need a small core files change, we prefer that blesta release it, but if they can't now, we can make the work , if blesta has the intention to release it soon we won't make it to not lose time in something that we be done in the near future. 5 - Logicboxes Hosting Module logicboxes platform support a lot of product not only domains, the blesta core has the domain one, we have released the Gsuite one for logicboxes, now is time for Hosting products 6 - Close Account Plugin a plugin that allow admins to close accounts that has all the services canceled and invoices closed or voided after x days, and give the clients to self close account . we opt for your vote, so the ball in your side now
    1 point
  6. Here some of them :
    1 point
  7. Reserved for screenshoot (Soon)
    1 point
  8. Thank you for the replies. I was hoping to not have to do a plugin but I guess for now that's the route to go. Thanks all for your inputs, I do really appreciate it.
    1 point
  9. Paul

    back to top in forums

    +1 and done. Seems to work on Desktop, haven't tried on Mobile. Let us know how it goes. @activa
    1 point
  10. Gateways are relatively simple and quick to implement and open up new markets, and we have someone that works on these types of integrations independently so it has no impact on the other work we are doing.
    1 point
  11. Again another payment method but can't see any progress on the main thing that is pending since more than two years and also claimed that they would release beta in Blesta 4.1. I wonder how these payment methods are important to any one of the person using Blesta when it is missing the most important part of a billing system, domain manager. So called "The Billing Platform for Hosting Providers".
    1 point
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