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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/2018 in all areas

  1. Gosuhost Blesta License Deal For a limited time only, with every Blesta Owned License you can claim a FREE BlestaCMS Owned License - a value of $150. Offer ends March 2018. https://gosuhost.com/blesta-license/
    2 points
  2. Logicboxes Reloaded For Blesta i want to share my updated logicbox Module , the module has some usefull feature not included in the core module : - Totally Compatible with the new Whois Registrant Change Policy. - Fix the missed ORDER-ID field in database for imported services . - Added/Changed Public Function in the module - getorderid : with it you can get the order-id of a Domain . - UpdateOrderID : This is the magic Function to update database if no order-id is available . - EditService : it was empty , now it Support the no_module use for local edit . - Added Child Name Service Tab (ADD -EDIT - DELETE ) - Just For client Side NOW - - Rearranged Navs for whois Tab To be Justify . - Add nav-bill to see the active Nav in contacts whois . - RAA Verification Status -if not verified , resend Verification Button- - Domain Status , Active , Lock , Suspended (with reason) - DOMAIN FORWARDING tab Settings - Commands Tab: renew domain manually, restore domain, send Verifiaction Email, Resend Aprouval Registrant email change whois. - Protect Privacy Option as config option - DNS MANAGEMENT tab Settings (NOT YET COMPLETED) - Change EPP Code + Send it Via Email . (NOT YET COMPLETED) - DNSSEC (NOT YET COMPLETED) - MOVE Domain To another Account . (NOT YET COMPLETED) Installation 1- Download the module file FROM Client Area 2- upload the Logicboxes Directory to Compenents/modules 3- Go to settings/modules/ update logicboxes module 4- You Are Done , ENJOY . ANY Suggestion , FeedBack , Bugs , Please Post it inthis thread . this Module require a the Pro (Silver) subscription . Order Link For screenshots visit the marketplace https://marketplace.blesta.com/#/extensions/71-Logicboxes Reloaded
    1 point
  3. Generic Domain was released . Time for Affiliate System
    1 point
  4. Good deal, good luck with the sales!
    1 point
  5. The grapevine is the fastest and most far-reaching means of information delivery. It does not go without its faults however. Every time the news is passed on by word of mouth, a portion of it becomes distorted, exaggerated, or the other way round – watered-down. And this... This is how myths and legends are born! Over several years ModulesGarden has also become a subject of heated discussions and through client-to-client conversations many fabled stories were born and perpetuated. Enticing as they may be, you certainly want to entrust the future of your company to more than gossips only, don't you? No more masks, secrets, and uncertainty. Cast light on the whole truth with our all-knowing 'Common Questions' section!
    1 point
  6. Noted! Our experts at the Product Development team are no doubt raring to give your feedback careful consideration. All the ModulesGarden Club members may safely expect to be the first to gain further insight into our development directions, as soon as we are ready to reveal more electrifying details.
    1 point
  7. Beav

    TcAdmin not working

    This issue has been resolved.
    1 point
  8. the best approuch to add the service, then show a message if is not yet active . create a plugin that use cron to check the domain if active or not, after it activated then sync renew date if needed.
    1 point
  9. It a 5 min interval, if the registrar take days to activate he will come with email error every 5 mins. His inbox will become bomberder from blesta.
    1 point
  10. When Blesta provisions a service and attempts to use your module to register a domain, it expects that the service be made active, so the module should create the domain and return success, or not create the domain and return failure. So you should determine whether the registrar creates the domain on the account regardless of any technical issues that might arise which they will later attempt to resolve.
    1 point
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