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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/2018 in all areas

  1. when a client request Cancellation of service, blesta should send a email notification to thier email about the canceletaion request .
    2 points
  2. The module has not been abandoned and is still under development, but it is a large module and is being developed from 0. In February it will definitely be released to the public. I initially miscalculated the timing of the development and I apologize for that. However, if someone wishes, as indicated in the campaign you can request a refund. You can send me a PM to request a refund.
    2 points
  3. Hi belive cyandark is going to finish asap the module, and i'm sure if it's not finished yet it's because he's having some troubles/bugs to solve. But he should keep us updated about what's going on. When he ask for help i was one of the first to say "i will donate" and he reply "i will finish in 24 december" well... we are 1 week before carnival...in february 2018 and almost no words, nothing. For me the worse is lack of communication. And that's a bad signal... really.
    2 points
  4. Even then, was a business donation. It's wasn't like donating to a cause. Aka he should still refund who all contributed for this as that was their expectations for doing so. Much like how you pre order a video game. If they don't deliver it then gamers want their money back right?
    2 points
  5. Blesta Addons

    Merge Invoice

    might i ask a option to merge two invoices or more in a single invoice . normally the merged invoices should be voided, added a Note, then create a new invoice with all the lines from the merged invoices. another scenario is to select the destination invoice for the merged invoices, then void only the merged one .
    1 point
  6. The grapevine is the fastest and most far-reaching means of information delivery. It does not go without its faults however. Every time the news is passed on by word of mouth, a portion of it becomes distorted, exaggerated, or the other way round – watered-down. And this... This is how myths and legends are born! Over several years ModulesGarden has also become a subject of heated discussions and through client-to-client conversations many fabled stories were born and perpetuated. Enticing as they may be, you certainly want to entrust the future of your company to more than gossips only, don't you? No more masks, secrets, and uncertainty. Cast light on the whole truth with our all-knowing 'Common Questions' section!
    1 point
  7. Tyson

    Invoiced Today

    What do you think of two new settings?: Invoiced Today (Proforma) Invoiced this Month (Proforma) We'd keep the current "Invoiced Today" and "Invoiced this Month" settings the same as they are now, but add those two new settings that only refer to proforma invoices. Thoughts?
    1 point
  8. We surely aim high! Is there any type of an extension that you would like us to develop in particular? We are always thrilled to put your ideas into powerful action!
    1 point
  9. I agree but its down to the person who started the funding we can't force them.
    1 point
  10. it depends I only invest after, unless paying for a custom one for myself where I put 50% up. I'll mark it as broken until he releases the new version.
    1 point
  11. cyandark, mate, wassup with the module? Are you building a new entire OS?... :-)
    1 point
  12. Already got a feature request open for this guys: And under https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-1912
    1 point
  13. Tyson

    Merge Invoice

    What kind of limitations would exist for this option? For example, can you merge a closed invoice with an open invoice? Having this option may be useful, but it can be very complicated since it affects other parts of the system, e.g.: Services that renew may be tied to the invoice. If merging invoices containing renewable services, the affected invoices must be updated in `service_invoices`. (there may also be other limitations to this) Transactions apply to invoices, so any payment must be updated to unapply from invoices and applied to another Invoices are expected to exist and not be changed (which Blesta doesn't yet entirely support), but some laws in your area may not allow for this behavior, or have additional requirements
    1 point
  14. Paul

    back to top in forums

    +1 and done. Seems to work on Desktop, haven't tried on Mobile. Let us know how it goes. @activa
    1 point
  15. you can also search product labels now.
    1 point
  16. It would be nice if we and customers could have a email when a cancellation has been made.
    1 point
  17. A simple notice for the actual cancellation would be sufficient. Anything is better than nothing. Maybe Hi {contact.first_name}, Your service {package.name} - {service.name} has been canceled.
    1 point
  18. I love the idea of both mate. Scheduled Cancellation: Hi {contact.first_name}! This is a confirmation that your {product_name} service is scheduled for cancellation on {date_cancelled}. If you made this by mistake please login to your account. Login at.. http://{client_url}login/ Click on "manage" on the service row, click on "Cancel Options" and then check "Do not cancel". Thank you for using {company.name}!
    1 point
  19. Another old archived request .....
    0 points
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