Michael Dance solved this issue for me.
LastPass was filling in client names on katycomputer.com, but not katy.com
I am confused by its behavior in this situation, but happy it's not a Blesta issued.
Thank you Michael
Hi there to all our fantastic customers and visitors, we are currently working on 1.2.6 and it should be shipped soon. This will add a few features and if you have any feature requests please post them below and we'll see if we can add them into the next versions.
You need to ensure it doesn't restart straight away without caching the call: https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Plesk#Plesk-CommonIssues
Are you running Blesta on a Plesk server that you are provisioning accounts to? If so, you must enable Apache graceful restart in Plesk.
I'm hoping to have a new one in 1.3.0 but we need some sales so I can invest into it haha so i can buy the license and then we need to get it perfectly working. Blesta removed the one included in Blesta's portal and which we use for the articles but because it added <p></p> around everything and strips the top and bottom of the code they removed it. Which is why we don't use it as-well.
This is something I don't really want at all due to security reasons but a few people want it so I may add it but with a warning. But we need to work out the best way to do it.