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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/02/2018 in all areas

  1. I would recommend using kdiff or another program to compare the templates. I'm not aware of any really big changes, but using kdiff you can compare and see everything that's different and merge in your customizations.
    1 point
  2. The installer is launched if no /config/blesta.php config file is detected. The distribution does not contain this file, it's created during install. When you upgrade and upload the new files, this file should remain. If not then you may have deleted everything first, and uploaded, rather than just uploading. Make sure to restore the /config/blesta.php config file before trying again. Don't delete anything, just overwrite existing files.
    1 point
  3. It shouldn't take 30 seconds to create a client or do most anything in the system. That long of a wait time can usually be attributed to latency or server performance issues. As mentioned above, you may not have enough system memory available and the server could be paging a lot, reducing performance and response time. You didn't mention whether you're on a VPS, but if so, you could be low on resources or the server could be overloaded, causing the issue. If the database server is different from your Blesta server, there could be latency issues or stalled/long-running queries that are causing the slowness with some actions. It's difficult to say exactly where the cause lies, but in any case you should take a look at the server resources and update its configuration as necessary.
    1 point
  4. Under Settings > Look and Feel you can create/update a theme to set a link to the header logo you want to use. No need to overwrite any existing logos. I see your logo in the header from your link, but your logo is white on a transparent background, and the background color of the header is white, so it appears as if there is no logo. I think you should setup another theme with a different header background color so that you can see your header logo against it.
    1 point
  5. Jono

    Active (open) tickets

    Probably the most straight forward solution would be to change the status of the ticket when you reply. Likely you would change it to "awaiting reply". Then after the client replies it will automatically be transitioned back to the "open" status.
    1 point
  6. Blesta Addons

    Invoiced Today

    Does Would create another issue, the logical when proforma is created it should be counted in invoiced today, if paid shouldn't been counted as is already counted . if we exclude the proforma from being counted it would show a erroneous data as it would show only who was paid. if you ask me a suggestion for this, in case of no proforma enabled let the stats as it now, but if proforma enabled, remove the invoiced today based on invoice created today and replce it with invoiced Today based on proforma status only, i hope it's clear . why? any invoice when the proforma is enabled it should be paid totally . so the invoice can't be with open status.
    1 point
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