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  1. WHMPHP Module WHMPHP now has a module for Blesta billing system. Using this module,the Master Reseller can automate the reseller account creation. this module keep the task simple for admins, install, configure, and sleep Supported Admin Actions : Create Reseller Account Suspend Account unsuspend Account Terminate Account Upgrade/Downgrade Account between packages Supported Client Actions : Change account password List all reseller account (not yet) this plugin requiere a the Pro (Silver) subscription . Order Link Plugin page
    3 points
  2. Yea it seems that the system redirects for clients or transactions if there is only one result. It seems that should only apply to page 1. CORE-2501
    2 points
  3. Paul

    Licensing Addon Question

    All licensing can be circumvented. Replacing keys with your own keys is not simple, most people do not have the expertise to do that and to spoof a license server. And, none of that can be done without decoding the files first. Files must be decoded for that. (in the case of Blesta, the 3 license files) Reverse engineering the code for ANY software product allows for nulling the software. It's much easier to null it than to spoof a license server, so nobody is going to do that unless for research. If you find a way to prevent piracy 100%, let me know privately and let's become billionaires together. We have circumvented 2 of our competitors (one ryhmes with wimps and the other thinks they are an executive) without decoding. None of the techniques required to circumvent their licensing work on Blesta.. and once the code is reversed engineered, it's trivial to null - any software.
    2 points
  4. G SUITE by Google Cloud G Suite by Google Cloud is an all-in-one suite of productivity apps for businesses. These include business email, cloud file storage and video conferencing. this BLESTA module can be used by Logicboxes resellers to start selling G Suite to their own customers. Resellers are able to set their own margins for both G Suite, From the client perspective, the module will enable the purchase of easily customizable Google services directly from your website. Moreover, your customers will be allowed to perform all management tasks on their products straightforwardly in your client area. Why start selling G Suite? G Suite has a leg up on traditional email hosting providers because of Google Cloud's best-in-class reliability & security. Consumers have come to trust the Google brand over the years, which makes it easy for resellers to acquire new customers and keep churn rates low. Admin Area Features: Create/Suspend/Unsuspend/Terminate Account Change Package Choose Plan Name Choose Renewal Type Set Configurable Options Per Product: (Additional Account) Clients Area Features: View Customer Info Log In To Control Panel Add/Remove Additional Account this plugin requiere a the VIP (Gold) subscription . Order Link Plugin page
    1 point
  5. Postal methods has updated their security. I sent a test invoice via snail mail.
    1 point
  6. Look at the `transactions` table. There is no method to fetch a list of the clients with the most credits. You could, however, loop over every client in the system and call Transactions::getCredits(CLIENT_ID, CURRENCY), then sort them to make your own list, but that would be very slow with the number of queries you would have to execute.
    1 point
  7. Martin

    Licensing Addon Question

    That would make the whole encryption Thing useless. You could simply encrypt by Password and still the only protection is the shared secret witch is statically encoded. If you get to know this secret then your can easily generate your own pair of public and private key. Spoof the license server and use your own private key to generate the signature. Then you would just use your own public key. The Private Public key encryption literally makes no sense at all as your can simply replace it with your own keys. The only protection is the secret that your proparbly share across all installations. The only way signatures can be trustworthy verified is to not allow the user to change/replace the public key.
    1 point
  8. Michael

    [Plugin] BlestaCMS

    I'm marking this thread closed now as we have our own forums for the CMS: https://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/forum/41-blestacms/
    1 point
  9. Good call Jono. Copy & paste appended a space to my API key. I removed the space & all is good.
    1 point
  10. any progress? we neeed this, at least the multi price system (register/transfer/renew) , we can life with this feature now. or blesta need sponsoring to achieve this core task ?
    1 point
  11. Actually, this is a separate error code returned by the api. You can see the various error codes here http://www.postalmethods.com/statuscodes. This one in particular has the description "Not Authenticated - API key does not exist or Username does not exist or username and password do not match." I think you should double check your postal methods api key in blesta at /admin/settings/company/billing/deliverymethods/.
    1 point
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