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  1. Beav

    domain search not working

    Make sure the IP of your server is whitelisted for the api and allow 20-30 minutes for it to update and try again as it sometimes takes a bit to update.
    2 points
  2. We want to announce that we are near to release our new & Advanced CMS for blesta. but what we have in deference from other CMS? 1 - Built in Domain Checker for any page with a simple short tag . 2 - Our CMS Pro Support HTML, Javascript/Jquery and PHP ... Yes you can write your own PHP code inside any page 3 - Our CMS Pro Support Plans Comparison between packages, as a short tag also . 4 - Our CMS Pro Support Multi-languages Pages, and sub-pages . 5 - Our CMS Pro Support a Redirection Options for old links to new links, so don't worry about your old pages indexed in google. 6 - Our CMS Pro totally compatible with Our Multi-languages & Seo , Sitemap generator Plugin, 7 - Our CMS Pro totally configured to any kind of website, and is optimized for the Hosting/Domains Industry Websites. 8 - Our CMS Pro allow you to add your own template structure without touching any plugin core file, so you are safe in upgrades 9 - Our CMS Pro is totally built for better seo practice and technique, so google will be your friend, 10 - Our CMS Pro Pages support multiple built-in navigation menu (top navbar, footer, sitemap, ect ). 11 - Our CMS Pro Pages has visibility setting, for clients only, only visitor, or all (default). and so many amazing features, we have tested and we are getting a good result in term of google raking and website ranking, and is totally functional for hosting industry . We have two others cool features not listed, they are surprise for all our clients, they are the most wanted features for all Webhosters . Release date can be the new year or before, until the release date, we will post a video or screenshot about amazing features we have prepared for you .
    1 point
  3. when a client recieve a email about the invoice due, the pay link page show the invoice's items with the sub-total(tax not included) with the total (tax-included) in the end . the subtotal and the tax amount not shown, so is sometimes confused for the client about the amount, as the items total is not the same as the total shown item 1 ----- 20$ item 2 ---- 30$ item 3 ---- 10$ Total 72$ the client see a 12$ difference, this 12$ is the 20%Tax . os we prefer to add another rows for sub-total and tax, or show the items price included the tax like item 1 ----- 24$ item 2 ---- 36$ item 3 ---- 12$ Total 72$
    1 point
  4. This something that we will look at it, is not easy task as sometimes the subdomain is hosted in a remote server than the domain server.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. He is talking about whmphp server .
    1 point
  7. we have the API docs, we need just a server to test the module with create/suspend/unsuspend/terminate functions .
    1 point
  8. @Blesta Addons, I inspire to have the experience you and your team has. Thank you for your help and assist as always
    1 point
  9. For domains count is a bit confused, your code will work only if this related to logicboxes module, so enom or any other registrar module will not count their domains, for that reason i have not added such features . also using the Record class inside the controller is bad practice i suggest use a custom model to call it . we are working in a bootstrap v4 admin theme, we have found a way to get all the domains for multiple registrar and maybe i will ad it to the client_data soon with a lot of other stats staff . anyway i highly appreciate your work to help others and provide free staff. you are in the correct road of .
    1 point
  10. try running the cron as apache(if on centos) or www-data(if on ubuntu) for blesta as that resolved it for myself though aren't you related to the person who took over ftpit lol ? since people want copy & paste to fix this run this in root ssh on the vm/machine with blesta on it centos: crontab -u apache -e press insert paste line given to you by blesta for the cron press esc type :wq remember to remove the cron line from root cron if you put it in there like this: crontab -e press insert delete all lines to leave it blank. press esc type :wq fixed ubuntu: crontab -u www-data -e press insert paste line given to you by blesta for the cron press esc type :wq remember to remove the cron line from root cron if you put it in there like this: crontab -e press insert delete all lines to leave it blank. press esc type :wq fixed
    1 point
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