We want to announce that we are near to release our new & Advanced CMS for blesta. but what we have in deference from other CMS?
1 - Built in Domain Checker for any page with a simple short tag .
2 - Our CMS Pro Support HTML, Javascript/Jquery and PHP ... Yes you can write your own PHP code inside any page
3 - Our CMS Pro Support Plans Comparison between packages, as a short tag also .
4 - Our CMS Pro Support Multi-languages Pages, and sub-pages .
5 - Our CMS Pro Support a Redirection Options for old links to new links, so don't worry about your old pages indexed in google.
6 - Our CMS Pro totally compatible with Our Multi-languages & Seo , Sitemap generator Plugin,
7 - Our CMS Pro totally configured to any kind of website, and is optimized for the Hosting/Domains Industry Websites.
8 - Our CMS Pro allow you to add your own template structure without touching any plugin core file, so you are safe in upgrades
9 - Our CMS Pro is totally built for better seo practice and technique, so google will be your friend,
10 - Our CMS Pro Pages support multiple built-in navigation menu (top navbar, footer, sitemap, ect ).
11 - Our CMS Pro Pages has visibility setting, for clients only, only visitor, or all (default).
and so many amazing features, we have tested and we are getting a good result in term of google raking and website ranking, and is totally functional for hosting industry .
We have two others cool features not listed, they are surprise for all our clients, they are the most wanted features for all Webhosters .
Release date can be the new year or before, until the release date, we will post a video or screenshot about amazing features we have prepared for you .