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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/2017 in all areas

  1. Update is now live, I have updated the original download link to reflect the 1.0.1 download. You may also Download it Here (updated 11/04/2017)
    3 points
  2. We want to announce that we are near to release our new & Advanced CMS for blesta. but what we have in deference from other CMS? 1 - Built in Domain Checker for any page with a simple short tag . 2 - Our CMS Pro Support HTML, Javascript/Jquery and PHP ... Yes you can write your own PHP code inside any page 3 - Our CMS Pro Support Plans Comparison between packages, as a short tag also . 4 - Our CMS Pro Support Multi-languages Pages, and sub-pages . 5 - Our CMS Pro Support a Redirection Options for old links to new links, so don't worry about your old pages indexed in google. 6 - Our CMS Pro totally compatible with Our Multi-languages & Seo , Sitemap generator Plugin, 7 - Our CMS Pro totally configured to any kind of website, and is optimized for the Hosting/Domains Industry Websites. 8 - Our CMS Pro allow you to add your own template structure without touching any plugin core file, so you are safe in upgrades 9 - Our CMS Pro is totally built for better seo practice and technique, so google will be your friend, 10 - Our CMS Pro Pages support multiple built-in navigation menu (top navbar, footer, sitemap, ect ). 11 - Our CMS Pro Pages has visibility setting, for clients only, only visitor, or all (default). and so many amazing features, we have tested and we are getting a good result in term of google raking and website ranking, and is totally functional for hosting industry . We have two others cool features not listed, they are surprise for all our clients, they are the most wanted features for all Webhosters . Release date can be the new year or before, until the release date, we will post a video or screenshot about amazing features we have prepared for you .
    2 points
  3. I have updated the client_data plugin to also support Domain Counts and Support manager Pro ticket counts (still has default support manager counter as well) You may download it here. Here are examples of calls depending on which one you require for your theme. <?php $this->Javascript->setInline(' $(document).ready(function() { fetchCountServices(); }); function fetchCountServices() { $(this).blestaRequest("GET", "' . $this->Html->safe($this->base_url . "plugin/client_data/client_main/count_services/active") . '", null, function(data) { $("#services_count").html(data); }, null, {dataType:"json"}); } '); ?> <?php $this->Javascript->setInline(' $(document).ready(function() { fetchInvoices("open"); }); function fetchInvoices(status) { $(this).blestaRequest("GET", "' . $this->Html->safe($this->base_url . "plugin/client_data/client_main/count_invoices/") . '" + status, null, function(data) { $("#invoices_count").html(data); }, null, {dataType:"json"}); } '); ?> <?php $this->Javascript->setInline(' $(document).ready(function() { fetchCountTickets(); }); function fetchCountTickets() { $(this).blestaRequest("GET", "' . $this->Html->safe($this->base_url . "plugin/client_data/client_main/count_pro_tickets/open") . '", null, function(data) { $("#tickets_count").html(data); }, null, {dataType:"json"}); } '); ?> <?php $this->Javascript->setInline(' $(document).ready(function() { fetchCountDomains(); }); function fetchCountDomains() { $(this).blestaRequest("GET", "' . $this->Html->safe($this->base_url . "plugin/client_data/client_main/count_domains/") . '", null, function(data) { $("#domains_count").html(data); }, null, {dataType:"json"}); } '); ?> Sorry formatting went off by a bit. $("#div_id_to_replace_here") is what tells the ajax which div to update which ever Request you want should be added around the bottom of structure.pdt (i have seperated requests individually above) before <?php echo $this->Javascript->getInline();?
    1 point
  4. Blesta Addons

    Plugin: Email History

    another simple fix in the language file is needed, change Form to From .
    1 point
  5. Beav

    Plugin: Email History

    Yes this seems correct, I will get this updated soon
    1 point
  6. ahh, i found what you are referring, the pagination content is the same for all pages, check my PM, is a small fix . $page = (isset($this->get[0]) ? (int)$this->get[0] : 1);
    1 point
  7. Paul

    Plugin: Email History

    If you get a blank page, enable error reporting and debugging. It's also possible you're running an older version of Blesta that may not be compatible.
    1 point
  8. Looks like it was me mistakenly mixing plugins between one another.
    1 point
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