A new PerfectMoney gateway in now available for Blesta. This is an early release, and they are not a fan of the USA (testing has been VERY difficult) so please give it a spin and report any issues.
To install, download the attached perfectmoney.zip unzip and upload the "perfectmoney" directory to ~/components/gateways/nonmerchant/ and visit Settings > Company > Payment Gateways to install and configure.
People keep PM'ing me for download link for verison that works 5.6 and 7.0, so i am updating here to give download link, You can download here.
I have made no other changes to this code than whats quoted in this thread by me and anothers, I DO NOT own this code, I DO NOT provide support for this plugin.
A new SagePay gateway is now available for Blesta. This is an early release, so please give it a spin and report any issues.
The gateway is available at https://github.com/blesta/gateway-sagepay
To install, download and rename the directory to sagepay and upload to ~/components/gateways/merchant/ and visit Settings > Company > Payment Gateways to install and configure.