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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/18/2017 in all areas

  1. anyone want to donate are welcome, we will begin the work next week, the more donates we receive more time we dedicate to the module. so our plans will be fallowing. - updating the actual core module to support latest version of proxmox. - adding basic support to LXC (add/suspend/unsuspend/terminate) - enhancing the features for LXC - add more features for KVM when we finish the work maybe we can create a cloud module to allow reselling vps for clients. Just to note, Donates will not give you the right to have a copy of the module, the module will be added to our subscription levels maybe, that depend of how we receive as donates, if we receive more maybe we can put it in the Access (Free) level or the Basic (Bronze) Level. if not we will make in in the Vip (Gold) level . and of course OPEN SOURCE, no encoded files. if anyone can help with a Proxmox server are welcome .
    1 point
  2. i think we have found the issue, the email is sent, but in the client mailog is show only the text version, so for that we think the email was sent empty .
    1 point
  3. Ziaur Rashid

    Change Model Business

    Set a limited number of addons per membership & allow members to choose their desired addons
    1 point
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