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  1. Around line 49 you will find the following line of code: $this->Html->ifSet($vars->remember_me) == 'true', just replace it with: true, I tried it in Blesta 4.1.0 and it works well.
    3 points
  2. 2 points
  3. Hello All Again . Blesta from version 4.0.0 has added logging errors, alerts, warnings to files, and there are no option to see or manage them from admins side . this plugin is another must have tool for admins in blesta, this plugin will allow you to show log files and errors, alerts, warnings from the admin side without the need to download log files from ftp, you can filter logs by type, dates, and you can delete or empty any log file, you can also mass delete file. this plugin requiere a the Pro (Silver) subscription . Order Link Plugin page Screen Shoot . Have nice plugin ! Complete list of released addons
    1 point
  4. Thank you! Worked perfectly.
    1 point
  5. The module isn't that feature-rich and likely wouldn't cover your needs here. What you can do is look to add a feature request (http://requests.blesta.com) or consider custom development (https://www.blesta.com/development/).
    1 point
  6. Michael

    [Plugin] BlestaCMS

    Save a whopping 66% off the LIFETIME BlestaCMS license using coupon code: "VOU2017CMS2007"! Social media's 12hour early special deal... Deal is also valid at Licensecart.com.
    1 point
  7. New release 1.2.0
    1 point
  8. In Settings, System, Staff Groups, When i put check [ ] Packages (Check All / Uncheck All) and only view Package Group, Staff could delete packages. Staff should not delete any packages. When there is an option to add or edit, deleted should not be permitted. Thanks, Sakis
    1 point
  9. So you are asking for another permission for package deletion? That seems like a good idea. CORE-2484
    1 point
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