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New Model Business in Blesta-Addons
mrrsm and 4 others reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
We are excited to announce the change of our Model Business in Blesta Addons, we have worked hard last month to finish the module and the plugin related to this change, the new system will give the client a wide range of addons (Plugins/Modules/Gateways/Themes ..ect) in open source format, the new license allow client to use the Addons in the licensed domain entered during the checkout, so one subscription per domain. The new system ill allow us to focus more in providing extra quality addons and most wanted addons . the susbscription plans are the fallowings : Access Level (Free), this will be free membership that will give access to all addons related to this group freely . Basic Level (Bronze), this membership cost (10$ Annually), this level give the client access to the Access level addons and all related addons to this level . Pro Level (Silver), this membership cost (25,99$ Annually), this level give the client access to the Acces + Basic levels addons and all related addons to this level Vip Level (Gold), this membership cost (45,99$ Annually) , this level give the client access to the Acces + Basic + Pro levels addons and all related addons to this level . a complete list of level's addons available from here . Some Addons will require a small amount to get access, also the new system is cheap than the old system, let say a sample case : OLD SYSTEM : Ovh Module = 49.99$ Yearly , Data Pools 29.99$ yearly , Seo Tools 29.99$ yearly , the total cost is 109.97$ . New SYSTEM : VIP Access will give you the access to Data Pools, Seo Tools Freely, with other addons like SolusVM client, Blesta Connect , Logicboxes Resellers ...ect with only 45,99$ Annually . With Extra 5$ you get access to OVH Servers Module . so the total is 50,99$ Annually . you will save 58,98$ Annually . With Other Extra 5$ you get access to Observium Module . at the moment will will begin with 29 Addons, and we have another 16 Addons in the road, about 10 of them already tested and ready to be added to the access list of addons . we will try to arrive to 50 addons by the end of 2017 . You can subscribe from this link . Some of our client has asked us how we could lunch some addons in open source format ?! they will be distributed in the internet without our control !!! We believe if someone want to bypass a license he will do even if the files encoded, and some of our module already was nulled by others even if Blesta itself is nulled now. but also we believe in support of our clients that need a great support and regular updates for any issue and error in the Addons, they regular renewal of subscription will make us providing more addons and add feature to actual addons. What is your new terms of license ? our new terms are very simple, you have the right to use any addons that your subscription give access to it for only the licensed domain during the checkout, once the subscription is canceled or suspend, you lose the right to use the addons and you should remove them immediately. I have addons companies in blesta, 1 subscription for the main domain is enough ? No, our subscription is limited to 1 domain, even if our addons are multi-company support, is you want to use them for another domain you need to purchase another subscription for the second domain . i have changed my domain , i can change the domain in my subscription service ? No, we don't allow changing domain in the subscription, once the service was activated you can't change, but we can correct the domain if you enter a wrong letter or character . Are you providing a money back guaranty, refunds ? No, we don't provide any refund for any activated subscription, the client should ask us anything regarding any addons via our ticket or via email or in the forum thread related to the addon before any purchase, some advanced plugins will remain with a monthly basis package for any testing purpose, then after you can order the subscription that will give you the access to the addon . I already purchased a yearly license for a module, i want to switch to the new subscription ? Yes, you can switch the equivalent subscription level based in pricing term, just open a ticket and we will switch your service . What about my other free addons that was activated before this change ? You can still use them without any limitation, but you can't benefice form new update, so e suggest you to go with the access subscription to get access to some free addons . I use php 7, your addons are compatible with it ? Yes, since the addons are open source will no longed need to any encoders loaders, the addons will work in almost of php version from 5.4 to 7.2 . What happen if any day blesta-addons will disappear ? don't worry, we are not only creating addons , we also use a lot of them, as we have a large network of websites in the hosting industry, from domains to hosting, vps, dedicated servers, cloud, licensing and much more, so we are the first client of our addons, and we are using blesta from the first beta, YES first beta since 2007. I can't buy any encoded addon as i feel the company will disappear and let me in troubles . Don't worry again, all our plugin will goes to open source format, so you have the full source code, the only limitation is you need to renew your subscription to use our addons legally. the second wonderful thing is we are giving to Phillips Data, Inc (Blesta) the full right over our addons, so when they feel we are a ghost in this world they can redistribute the addons as they want , this is only if we are disappeared for a long time (6 month) . What now ? We will open the subscription packages this week, so stay tuned. What Next ? we have finished the fallowing addons and they will be pushed in the system this month : Virtualizor Extended = The same logic and interface as the Solusvm Core Module, it support Config Options and licensing control panel CMS pro = Advanced CMS for Blesta, build pages as you want with online checked for domains and builtin php and javascript system . Logicboxes Gsuite = Module To manage Gsuite (Goolge Apps) in Logicboxes, support add/suspend/unsuspend/cancel/renew . Store = convert your blesta to a real store, the same used in blesta-addons Cart Menu = show the cart in items even the client leave the order page . News System = a complete news system with categories and posts, the same used in blesta-addons Cron Debugger = utility to run cron and see the errors with debugging , usefull for who have cron stack a lot . Monolog Viewer = you no longer need to enter ftp to download, and see the logs, from admin side you can read the logs and check errors/info/alert, you can also deletes the logs Logicboxes Reloaded = more feature to the core logicboxes module, support the new transfert policy, forwarding domain, protect privacy, name child servers ... Epp Registrar = Module to manage Registrar that use EPP system like mx, ma, eg, and more ... What comming ? Admin LTE Client = update the them to be fully compatible with latest blesta version cPanel Reloaded = rewrite the module to support more features than the core one has. Admin Theme = a bootstrapped cleaned version of admin dashboard with cool design and features Affiliate System = we want to make one , but not yet decided to attack it under a massive development . (searching sponsors at the moment) Ovh Domains = a module tomanage ovh domains Dynadot = a module to manage dynadot domains Xero Plugin = in our radar Credit Notes = plugin that handle credit notes, another step to help European customers Digital product Pro = Digital downloads with integrated licensing system AutoInstall = A module/plugin to handle auto install scripts in account creation, You can subscribe from this link . Any question or feedback we are ready to answer5 points -
Is this thing available in Blesta?
Beav reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
you are totally wrong, the cpanel accept any true full qualified domain even if is a sub-domain, so in cpanel part is working, now it should a mechanism to allow only some domains to be the main domain and make the regex and the control of what we should accept as entered domain, this part should be from order form . all the competitor has the same logic and doing it as i described before . if i have time i can do a template order that will do what you want from the order plugin without touching any core files, but i'm sorry, i don't have free time to do it, if you want we can quote something for you or we collect some sponsoring and we will bring the work freely to the community .1 point -
New Model Business in Blesta-Addons
Ziaur Rashid reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
Hope to be the same for other users The logicboxes sub-reseller plugins allow admins to create sub-resellers, show info balance, add balance to sub-resellers, show a widget in client dashboard that show the client info with the available balance . other features are not available . we will work for this two themes, specially the admin part , we need to provide a special theme for admins.1 point -
Logicboxes phone-cc error
Michael reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
this is because your client didn't filled the phone number. because is a required element for customer in Logicboxes . we have tweaked the module to allow fill a empty phone . i will release the logicboxes reloaded module with anew version that will work with the logicboxes core module (it has some feature that the core didn't support it now) .1 point -
Is this thing available in Blesta?
Michael reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
i prefer if this should be a universal setting not related to a module, let say i will add the main domain (and may be a list of 3 or more) and if activate the option to offer free subdomain, then the order form show a new option for selecting a sub-domain with the selecting a generic domain .1 point -
Escape tax for Business Clients
activa reacted to Blesta Addons for a question
we have addad to our TODO list to add a plugin that will be used to check the VAT entered in the profile .1 point -
External Domain Availability Check
HostCram reacted to Ziaur Rashid for a topic
that will be awsome shakib bhai1 point