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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/2017 in all areas

  1. Paul

    ISPConfig Module

    A new early release ISPConfig module is available. To install, download the attached ispconfig.zip and unzip the file. Upload the ispconfig directory to ~/components/modules/ and go to Settings > Company > Modules to install it. Please give it a spin and give us your feedback! Here's a sample welcome email you can use for your Package:
    1 point
  2. Beav

    TCAdmin 2 Module (Alpha)

    It doesn't work with SSL port 8881. @Paul
    1 point
  3. Beav

    PayPal Subscriptions

    if your using cpanel it should be /usr/local/bin/php instead of /usr/bin/php
    1 point
  4. Beav

    PayPal Subscriptions

    You should have your cron running atleast every 5 minutes. The cron will apply the funds to the invoice when ran automatically.
    1 point
  5. Hey thanks, based on your reply I was able to fix my issue. I didn't recall each order forum you could select the payment gateway.
    1 point
  6. If you didn't select proper currency in stripe module it will not show up...also for every order form you have to select gateways you want to use with that order form,so foe example if invoice is in EUR and EUR is not enabled in stripe module than it will not show up for any invoice in EUR....
    1 point
  7. Nelsa


    Well WHT is dying also...slowly yes but it is not even shadow than use to be... there is also fact that forums are generaly not popular any more like before but WHT is also going down due bad behaive of their staff members and also they had few leaks....I did not even mention that when you go there it is like time traveling in to 2001 ...They don't understand that it is not in their interest to throw away users just because some stupid mistakes ....they could aford this it self 6-7 years ago but now it is different story.They have very stupid rule "once baned!.."forever baned"...they ban much more people on monthly basis than new hosting companies are opening...add to this fact that forums generaly are less popular with every day...well it is clear what will happen.Seems no one knows how to count there....I lost my account few years ago..in that time they sent too many emails per week(suppose too many people buy their subscription) and after some time I unsubscribe ...but they didn't stop sending....and I unsubscribe again...well third time I send message to them and discussion with admin(bear I think)escalate ...on email ..not in public(I would never do it in public..)and I at some point just told him to go f**k itself..I don't even rember details..but that is it....I didn't argue about since I did tell him to go f**k ,, and ofcourse it was violation of forum rules..but I did because He was rude....their mailing campaign was literary spaming..every time someone of premium users open thread and post offer..they throw mail...and unsubscribing didn't work,when I ask to remove my mail from promotional offer list He started to argue about..insted to just remove my mail..and that is it.
    1 point
  8. Nelsa

    General PCI Compliance

    Well this is not quite true,users can input their cc on your site while in same time CC data are not touching your server and for that you don't have to be PCI compliant because CC never touch your server....you only have to request token and sent it through https ..same is for inline hosted method.I went through trust wave PCI DSS verification process and it is not big deal to get it but it require some work .When it comes to tokinezation method ,stripe offer this approuch and also many other gateways but this method exclude storing CC...you can't charged on auto pilot since token is valid only 15-30 minutes depending on gateway.Also this method require you to follow some basic rules..you request token with simple JS snippet and than pass it to your form(this is for non hosted method) for hosted inline method you don't even do anything on your server since form is hosted on merchant gateway server.PCI compliant is required only if CC data is stored on your server in any form.Again when you implement these methods there is no way you can charge on auto pilot or store CC since it never touch your server and user has to go through checkout process evry time...Hope this help...you can conclude your self is gateway require PCI DSS by it's behaive...but I suggest going through this process anyway...you will need it at some point
    1 point
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