Well WHT is dying also...slowly yes but it is not even shadow than use to be... there is also fact that forums are generaly not popular any more like before but WHT is also going down due bad behaive of their staff members and also they had few leaks....I did not even mention that when you go there it is like time traveling in to 2001 ...They don't understand that it is not in their interest to throw away users just because some stupid mistakes ....they could aford this it self 6-7 years ago but now it is different story.They have very stupid rule "once baned!.."forever baned"...they ban much more people on monthly basis than new hosting companies are opening...add to this fact that forums generaly are less popular with every day...well it is clear what will happen.Seems no one knows how to count there....I lost my account few years ago..in that time they sent too many emails per week(suppose too many people buy their subscription) and after some time I unsubscribe ...but they didn't stop sending....and I unsubscribe again...well third time I send message to them and discussion with admin(bear I think)escalate ...on email ..not in public(I would never do it in public..)and I at some point just told him to go f**k itself..I don't even rember details..but that is it....I didn't argue about since I did tell him to go f**k ,, and ofcourse it was violation of forum rules..but I did because He was rude....their mailing campaign was literary spaming..every time someone of premium users open thread and post offer..they throw mail...and unsubscribing didn't work,when I ask to remove my mail from promotional offer list He started to argue about..insted to just remove my mail..and that is it.