Here you can see how 2checkout non merchant gateway looks like with inline payment implemented...there is also one more way to do it...with payment API ,very similar just require 2co library and few lines of JS for token request....this is orginal blesta 2co gateway I had edited..have some where also one with payment API implemented..for payment API version there is more work to do since it is non 2co hosted and parameters are different but this inline method is 2co hosted and use same return processes....this real time currency converter I think can be removed and pass currency directly.Also if some param is missing or something goes wrong with inline method 2co will redirect user to old hosted checkout page,and it will happen if address,zip,city or state is these fields should be required.With payment API implemented form is not 2co hosted and it is even better since you are using your own form ...not this one 2co branded.Any way both API methods can be implemented as non merchant and form can be embeded at this same place and user must fill it every time before payment can be done,credit card is not stored anywhere and token is valid for 30 min.