Hi there everyone,
I would like to deeply apologies for the inconvenience I've caused. I don't lie to our customers nor wanted this to happen. I didn't listen to Callum when I started out and I created a black hole with InterWorx (sales dropped minus free licenses) even though I paid for the un-used licenses hoping a few orders would come in, never happened. I somehow mucked up SolusVM where we were paying out more than we had coming in, and then that went to the debt collectors. So to pay off SolusVM I went and took a full time job.
Callum broke his wrist in a bike accident he's recovering slowly so he couldn't help on the tickets, Matthew has been busy with his university work so hasn't had time either.
Then I ended up working to much and not being able to log into pay the invoices for Cloudlinux, Softaculous which was done when I could after I found out they were suspended.
About the future of Licensecart that will be announced soon. I do again apologies for the inconvenience and understand if you don't trust me, hate me or want to kick my head in.
Kind regards,