Right now, if you're adding a service on the admin side and it has add-ons that send a welcome email, there is no way to say 'yes' or 'no' as to whether or not these confirmations should be sent. The 'send order confirmation email' checkbox only controls the email for the main service.
It's my suggestion to add a checkbox next to each add on to give us the control over whether or not each welcome email is sent or not.
Request made here: http://requests.blesta.com/topic/add-on-email-confirmations-choose-which-ones-to-send
A new Square gateway (alpha) is available for testing.
To install, download the attached , square.zip unzip and upload the "square" directory to ~/components/gateways/nonmerchant/ and visit Settings > Company > Payment Gateways to install and configure.
the problem with explaining the module is what is there to explain about a anti fraud module like maxmind for blesta lol?
though mostly I will just copy and paste what I wrote on my fraudrecord page: https://cubedata.net/fraudrecord
hmm that page was more bland then I thought it was lol
maybe I should point you to http://fraudrecord.com
that is basically a blacklist like spamhaus you could say for bad clients who chargebacked against you, did public threats, etc(I cannot name all the reasons they can be listed for) but it is very helpful since it is basically hosting providers helping each other with valuable information on spammers,etc that you can see if there listed or not and know whether to automatically deny them or not so you do not have the headache and trouble like the provider that reported the person did.
also @bdacus01 I want to say I am not very good at handling PR(Public Relations) so I apologize if the product page was lacking in information on what it does.
besides I think my best "sales pitch writeup" was in my thread for it here:
I admit I haven't updated the opening post with fresh screenshots from v4 of blesta but I will get to that soon enough
Hi, Just my own opinion, Licensecart is not affiliated with Blesta. I would not let that turn me off, It's a community, some people screw up and some learn from their mistakes and move on. If you wish to join Blesta don't hesitate.