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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/2017 in all areas

  1. bdacus01

    Who Am I

    All: I wanted to say Hello. I wanted to intro myself. I am Brent Dacus. I live in Tennessee. I have been in IT for 19 years. So I am not a kid...actually I am fairly old. (Mike I had to get that in ). I love computers and technology. I like to ask questions and help out where I can. I am not a programmer. I can test well. I want to also state I am not in the industry of web hosting or infrastructure. I don't own a company. I don't support clients. I don't know all the terms or even the popular 3rd party apps. I am trying to learn even at my age...haha. Why because I am interested in learning it all and may want to enter the industry on a very small scale some day. Anyway I really like Blesta. I have tried the "others" some have things Blesta needs some don't. I don't need a lot of plugins...actually I may not even know what I need. Feel free to give me advice, tell me to get out now before I go crazy or just ask me to help out. Thanks for your time.
    1 point
  2. Oh I assume he would. I am just learning and testing. currently... BTW love your site...
    1 point
  3. Another option that I have in mind, it's a crowdfunding campaign.
    1 point
  4. Html::_ is desired because it prevents XSS while Html::ifSet does not. However, nvd3 does not render the HTML-safe characters correctly. If nvd3 could render HTML-encoded characters correctly that would be great. Another solution could be to use HTML::ifSet but strip any quotes out first to avoid the possibility of the name breaking the JSON format and introducing its own JS via XSS. The graphs failing to load sometimes is a separate issue. The JS for d3/nvd3 could not be loaded before the widget since they are defined and used from inside the widget. I don't see that as a workable solution in any case because it could end up causing a race condition (e.g. maybe the widget loads before the JS loads anyway) that leads to the same issue, assuming the race condition is the issue in the first place. The JS is already set to load in its required order of (1) d3 (2) nvd3 (3) generate graphs.
    1 point
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