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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/2017 in all areas

  1. From some weeks ago i have the idea to change Model Business of Blesta Addons, as the moment we offer free Opens source code or crypted files, also we offer paid addons licensed, and personally i hate the crypted files, i feel in love with open source, so i think to offer all my actual addons in open source format, with some change to the Model Business used, we plan to make Blesta Addons as membership clubs with levels . Default Level, this will be free membership that will give access to all addons related to this group freely . Bronze Level, this membership will be with small fee annually (arround 9$-15$), this level give the client access to the default level addons and all related addons to this level . Platinum Level, this membership will be with fee annually (arround 25$-29$), this level give the client access to the default + Bronze levels addons and all related addons to this level . Gold Level, this membership will be with fee annually (arround 45$-60$), this level give the client access to the default + Bronze + Platinum levels addons and all related addons to this level . So we will no longer provide separate (module/plugins/addons) , they will be included to membership package, that the client can download and use all the addons with a fix amount membership. all the plugin will become a open source version and not crypted anymore... This is just a idea, nothing decided, and we will continue developing and releasing addons of blesta, some of what we have prepared to the community : Modules : Virtualizor Extended, Digital Product Pro, Epp Registrar, Logicboxes Reloaded, Logixboxes Gsuite, Memebership (change client group besed on package), Plugins : Admin Tools (Rewrite), Cms Pro (True Hosting CMS), Package Converter, Monolog Reader (Read Monolog files), News System, Cart Menu, Client Data (More data Stat), Cron Debugger, Store System On Developpment : Plugins : Affiliate System, Modules : Ovh Domains, Ovh Vps Themes : Adminlte (Upgrade to v4), Admin Core (Advanced Admin Theme),
    1 point
  2. STEP 1 - Go to Admin --> Support --> Departments --> Edit --> Piping configuration text field There is a sample line of code that is generated ... /usr/bin/php /home/username/support.mywebsitename.com/sub_folder/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php plugin/support_manager/ticket_pipe/index/1/ Use /usr/local/bin/php instead of /usr/bin/php STEP 2 - Open up C-Panel and go to "Global Email Filter" 1) - Give it a title 2) - Use " to " and " contains " from the dropdown menu 3) - Insert your email address ( the one you are using for the "Departments" within Blesta ) 4) - Go to " Actions " and choose " Pipe to a Program " 5) - Use the following sample path ( modify as needed per your Blesta installation location ) /usr/local/bin/php /home/username/support.mywebsitename.com/sub_folder/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php plugin/support_manager/ticket_pipe/index/1/ 6) - Open up your FTP program, go to " /plugins/support_manger " and give the " pipe.php " file a permission of 755 7) - All done ! =========================== Now the emails from generic email providers ( yahoo, gmail, hotmail, aol ) get piped into my support ticket system. =========================== STEP 3 - ADDITIONALLY, you can setup the "Mobile Emails" within Blesta and C-Panel, so that the tickets will get sent as "Text Alerts" to your phone. See Mobile Ticket ( SMS Text Alert ) setup instructions at.. ========================== Hope This Helps.
    1 point
  3. I would add: in WHM go to modules find “PHP Pecl” Installer choose php version Search Mailparse Use Install. Looks like Also make sure your System PHP matches versions like
    1 point
  4. Well canceled service has no actions on it,it is just there for record......if you really want you can always remove it from dabase but it is not easy ...it is not all in one table but ...you can compare more fields to be sure.Services are stored in table "service" but It is not easy to find service you want because there is no package name or any other value you can relay on...but in table "service_fields" there is few fields for every service..like username,password,domain...and in cPanel case it will be cPanel_username,cPanel_password..etc I supose you can look table service_fields table and there you can easily spot username,domain,email..etc ...when you find fields(there is few for one service..)look for service_id field and that number is id of service in "service" table...so for example if you find 4 fields in "service_fields" table with number 289 as service_id(i think it is 4 for cpanel but you'll see..it will be all with same number)than 289 is ID of your service in "service" table And make sure you check field "status" in "service"table before delete it(since you have two services with same data..make sure you delete one with status canceled) Now deleteing it from "service" table it will not be shown any more ..but again be carefull and make sure you identify right service. Also it is not required but you can also delete fields from "service_fields" and "service_options" that belong to that service,not required for what you want...even if you delete it just from "service" table it will not shown any more but you may want to remove also these fields since there is no service any more that fields are related to. So if we follow example above and let say you browse table "service_fields" and there you spot 4 fields for cPanel service where you recognize domain,username and email and you finaly identify service you want to delete ...all 4 fields are with same "service_id" and in this example it is 289.Now service you will looking for in "service" table has id 289 and that is service you want to delete,again just make sure it has status canceled(you can see status in same row).After you delete that service with id 289 than you can also remove fields from table "service_fields" with service_id 289 and field from table service_option with service id 289. Hope this all has sense to you,if you are not sure than maybe it is better don't go with this route...I really don't see other way to remove canceled service.
    0 points
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