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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/09/2017 in all areas

  1. You have to uninstall the Portal plugin also when installing BlestaCMS plugin then edit the routes, the instructions are in the ReadMe.txt that comes with the plugin, in 1.2.4 we will look into having the replacement of this line automated. *update* 1.2.4 WILL automate this task on install and uninstall so this issue will no longer be encountered.
    1 point
  2. Hi there @virtualorbis , I have a Payu gateway that I use for Colombia I am sure the same one will work with your Payu from Peru if you want I can share it with you.
    1 point
  3. CORE-2454. It was a pretty simple fix and will be resolved in v4.1.1
    1 point
  4. So you're using it in a plugin? Most plugins make a call to AppController::setPagination($get, $settings, $ajax) to load and set the pagination from the config. The Blesta.pagination_ajax value in the config is used when the third argument, $ajax, is true. This value does not get overridden. If you want to override the AJAX pagination behavior, don't call AppController::setPagination. Instead, load and set the pagination yourself. // Load pagination $this->Pagination = $this->getFromContainer('pagination'); // Set GET params $this->Pagination->setGet($this->get); // Your pagination settings merged with your custom pagination settings $this->Pagination->setSettings(Configure::get('Blesta.pagination')); // Make Pagination available to the view $this->view->Pagination = $this->Pagination;
    1 point
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