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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/2017 in all areas

  1. From some weeks ago i have the idea to change Model Business of Blesta Addons, as the moment we offer free Opens source code or crypted files, also we offer paid addons licensed, and personally i hate the crypted files, i feel in love with open source, so i think to offer all my actual addons in open source format, with some change to the Model Business used, we plan to make Blesta Addons as membership clubs with levels . Default Level, this will be free membership that will give access to all addons related to this group freely . Bronze Level, this membership will be with small fee annually (arround 9$-15$), this level give the client access to the default level addons and all related addons to this level . Platinum Level, this membership will be with fee annually (arround 25$-29$), this level give the client access to the default + Bronze levels addons and all related addons to this level . Gold Level, this membership will be with fee annually (arround 45$-60$), this level give the client access to the default + Bronze + Platinum levels addons and all related addons to this level . So we will no longer provide separate (module/plugins/addons) , they will be included to membership package, that the client can download and use all the addons with a fix amount membership. all the plugin will become a open source version and not crypted anymore... This is just a idea, nothing decided, and we will continue developing and releasing addons of blesta, some of what we have prepared to the community : Modules : Virtualizor Extended, Digital Product Pro, Epp Registrar, Logicboxes Reloaded, Logixboxes Gsuite, Memebership (change client group besed on package), Plugins : Admin Tools (Rewrite), Cms Pro (True Hosting CMS), Package Converter, Monolog Reader (Read Monolog files), News System, Cart Menu, Client Data (More data Stat), Cron Debugger, Store System On Developpment : Plugins : Affiliate System, Modules : Ovh Domains, Ovh Vps Themes : Adminlte (Upgrade to v4), Admin Core (Advanced Admin Theme),
    2 points
  2. Those are account actions. Nelsa was referring to the service actions on the service edit page. On the list of services there is link labeled 'manage' for each row. Click the one corresponding to the service you want to edit. On that page there is a section with the heading 'actions'. Under that heading there is a drop down and one of the options is 'Change Renew Date'. uri: admin/clients/editservice/[client_id]/[service_id]/
    2 points
  3. Hi there everyone, I would like to deeply apologies for the inconvenience I've caused. I don't lie to our customers nor wanted this to happen. I didn't listen to Callum when I started out and I created a black hole with InterWorx (sales dropped minus free licenses) even though I paid for the un-used licenses hoping a few orders would come in, never happened. I somehow mucked up SolusVM where we were paying out more than we had coming in, and then that went to the debt collectors. So to pay off SolusVM I went and took a full time job. Callum broke his wrist in a bike accident he's recovering slowly so he couldn't help on the tickets, Matthew has been busy with his university work so hasn't had time either. Then I ended up working to much and not being able to log into pay the invoices for Cloudlinux, Softaculous which was done when I could after I found out they were suspended. About the future of Licensecart that will be announced soon. I do again apologies for the inconvenience and understand if you don't trust me, hate me or want to kick my head in. Kind regards, Mike
    2 points
  4. Yes go click on "manage" option and than under "actions" there is option change renew date
    2 points
  5. When you add the services manually try unticking the "use module" option.
    2 points
  6. Paul

    CSV Importer

    Just a note.. if you have trouble importing and have quote escaped strings, try removing the quotes and any commas in the field. We'll be working on a fix for this.
    1 point
  7. we have the EPP registry module .
    1 point
  8. Selling/buying Brand in internet is a matter can happen anywhere and anytime, a lot fo brand has been sold to other even if they are making a lot of success . i know @activa personally and he sponsored some plugins for blesta to be free, he has other brands/website that he care of them. he was negotiating with me so month ago to acquire blesta-addons with their the copyright of all modules/plugins/addons, it was for us a big opportunity but finally i decided to keep it even if i'm not generating a big income from it. We hope that everything can return as before .
    1 point
  9. Lucas

    WHMCS to Blest Movement

    Thanks Paul. Working on getting everything to work as we need to.
    1 point
  10. Paul

    Change Model Business

    I think it's a good idea. +1
    1 point
  11. Paul

    WHMCS to Blest Movement

    I'm glad we were able to help get the data imported!
    1 point
  12. Lucas

    WHMCS to Blest Movement

    All done! Looking forward to switching over.
    1 point
  13. Beav

    Ioncube Error

    They charge wayyy to much for upgrades. Crazy
    1 point
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