From some weeks ago i have the idea to change Model Business of Blesta Addons, as the moment we offer free Opens source code or crypted files, also we offer paid addons licensed, and personally i hate the crypted files, i feel in love with open source, so i think to offer all my actual addons in open source format, with some change to the Model Business used, we plan to make Blesta Addons as membership clubs with levels .
Default Level, this will be free membership that will give access to all addons related to this group freely .
Bronze Level, this membership will be with small fee annually (arround 9$-15$), this level give the client access to the default level addons and all related addons to this level .
Platinum Level, this membership will be with fee annually (arround 25$-29$), this level give the client access to the default + Bronze levels addons and all related addons to this level .
Gold Level, this membership will be with fee annually (arround 45$-60$), this level give the client access to the default + Bronze + Platinum levels addons and all related addons to this level .
So we will no longer provide separate (module/plugins/addons) , they will be included to membership package, that the client can download and use all the addons with a fix amount membership. all the plugin will become a open source version and not crypted anymore...
This is just a idea, nothing decided, and we will continue developing and releasing addons of blesta, some of what we have prepared to the community :
Modules : Virtualizor Extended, Digital Product Pro, Epp Registrar, Logicboxes Reloaded, Logixboxes Gsuite, Memebership (change client group besed on package),
Plugins : Admin Tools (Rewrite), Cms Pro (True Hosting CMS), Package Converter, Monolog Reader (Read Monolog files), News System, Cart Menu, Client Data (More data Stat), Cron Debugger, Store System
On Developpment :
Plugins : Affiliate System,
Modules : Ovh Domains, Ovh Vps
Themes : Adminlte (Upgrade to v4), Admin Core (Advanced Admin Theme),