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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/2017 in all areas

  1. Ziaur Rashid

    Logicboxes Configuration

    Thanks, problem is resolved
    2 points
  2. in commun error is a whitelist IP error . you must white list the main server ip .
    2 points
  3. A new Square gateway (alpha) is available for testing. To install, download the attached , square.zip unzip and upload the "square" directory to ~/components/gateways/nonmerchant/ and visit Settings > Company > Payment Gateways to install and configure.
    1 point
  4. From some weeks ago i have the idea to change Model Business of Blesta Addons, as the moment we offer free Opens source code or crypted files, also we offer paid addons licensed, and personally i hate the crypted files, i feel in love with open source, so i think to offer all my actual addons in open source format, with some change to the Model Business used, we plan to make Blesta Addons as membership clubs with levels . Default Level, this will be free membership that will give access to all addons related to this group freely . Bronze Level, this membership will be with small fee annually (arround 9$-15$), this level give the client access to the default level addons and all related addons to this level . Platinum Level, this membership will be with fee annually (arround 25$-29$), this level give the client access to the default + Bronze levels addons and all related addons to this level . Gold Level, this membership will be with fee annually (arround 45$-60$), this level give the client access to the default + Bronze + Platinum levels addons and all related addons to this level . So we will no longer provide separate (module/plugins/addons) , they will be included to membership package, that the client can download and use all the addons with a fix amount membership. all the plugin will become a open source version and not crypted anymore... This is just a idea, nothing decided, and we will continue developing and releasing addons of blesta, some of what we have prepared to the community : Modules : Virtualizor Extended, Digital Product Pro, Epp Registrar, Logicboxes Reloaded, Logixboxes Gsuite, Memebership (change client group besed on package), Plugins : Admin Tools (Rewrite), Cms Pro (True Hosting CMS), Package Converter, Monolog Reader (Read Monolog files), News System, Cart Menu, Client Data (More data Stat), Cron Debugger, Store System On Developpment : Plugins : Affiliate System, Modules : Ovh Domains, Ovh Vps Themes : Adminlte (Upgrade to v4), Admin Core (Advanced Admin Theme),
    1 point
  5. CORE-2454. It was a pretty simple fix and will be resolved in v4.1.1
    1 point
  6. So our custom module is related with this case, when we create package we found no module name listed. This is only if no module row selected in the package .
    1 point
  7. activa

    Selecting language for admin?

    Sinse we used multi language plugins we have forget about multi language in blesta , this plugin really a well though plugin, we have ranked for other language in google .... is master chef
    1 point
  8. Lucas

    WHMCS to Blest Movement

    Thanks Paul. Working on getting everything to work as we need to.
    1 point
  9. 1 - you can remove the branded text from the structure.pdt file . 2 - Settings -> Plugins -> CMS portal "Manage", then you can change the HTML . 3 - check blesta addons website or the marketplace
    1 point
  10. The task is open., but yeah it's been in there for a while. Hasn't been a high priority.
    1 point
  11. A lot of companies are "one-man shows", there's nothing wrong with that. It's probably not a good idea to pretend there are a lot of people if there isn't, it's a bit dishonest, but I understand why they do. People tend to look down on "one-man shows", and I think in most cases that's unjustified.
    1 point
  12. Jono

    User language

    Your description is mostly accurate. The one correction is that a client user that is logged in can still use the language selector. Hmm, I see your point, but the configuration value and the client setting are not the same. So if a user's language is set to English, but they use the language selector to change the language to Spanish, which should be used in the examples you gave. I would still say the actual client setting as opposed to what was being used by the language selector. **Note: If your system is configured such that a client may change their language, the language selector will change the client setting and the two will always be the same. If a contact user uses the language selector it will not change the setting. This is done already. client_main.php lines 880-885: if ($this->isStaffAsClient() || !isset($this->post['language_code']) || !($language = $this->Languages->get(Configure::get('Blesta.company_id'), $this->post['language_code'])) ) { $this->redirect($this->base_uri); }
    1 point
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