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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/27/2017 in all areas

  1. Tyson

    Increase Session Timeout?

    In the interim you can update: /core/ServiceProviders/MinphpBridge.php At the bottom of the file is a set of TTLs: $ttls = [ 'ttl' => 1800, // 30 mins 'cookie_ttl' => 604800, // 7 days ]; Change the 'ttl' value to the number of seconds a session should last, e.g.: $ttls = [ 'ttl' => 14400, // 4 hours 'cookie_ttl' => 604800, // 7 days ]; Making these configurable from the config file should occur in v4.2.
    3 points
  2. Tyson

    WHMCS Import

    Their database does not maintain much data integrity, so some required fields are missing. We're working on updates to our importer to ignore those types of entries and complete the import regardless. The updated importer is currently in beta for v4.1, but if you'd like to try a copy send an email to sales[at]blesta.com and reference this thread.
    2 points
  3. If you're on Linkedin, you can follow the new Blesta company page at https://www.linkedin.com/company/blesta Thanks guys!
    2 points
  4. Pixelhen

    WHMCS Import

    Sounds like a plan. Ill send an email. thanks.
    1 point
  5. Jonathan

    Add Suspend Reason

    1 point
  6. We also need to work in this issue. We had a few clients complaining about the session time out before the ticket was finished...
    1 point
  7. Rather than allowing modules to register their own automation tasks, I wonder if it might make more sense to have a single automation task built into the system that can run tasks modules want to run periodically. I've created CORE-2435 to look at this.
    1 point
  8. One is the Blesta module reaching out to say a server to fetch certain information via an API or other means, and Blesta being responsible for dealing with suspension of a service for exceeding a plan's resources on the assumption the there's no system on the other end to do it, or that you're extending existing functionality and it's most logical for Blesta to deal with this. A cron is needed to reach out and grab said information for parsing.
    1 point
  9. Modules creating automation tasks? I could get on board with that. What are some use cases?
    1 point
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