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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/20/2017 in all areas

  1. You are right, i have make a mistake by selet the domain instead of the username, anyway the two should be lowercase
    3 points
  2. Paul

    Clientexec Importer

    We have a new importer for Clientexec 5.5. To install, download the attached clientexec.zip and unzip the file. Upload the clientexec directory to ~/plugins/import_manager/components/migrators/ and go to Settings > Company > Plugins to install it the Import Manager. Then, manage the plugin and click on the Clientexec 5.5 link to start. Be sure to import into a fresh Blesta install. clientexec.zip What's imported? If you want to import user passwords, it's necessary to make a couple changes: Edit ~/app/models/users.php around line 715, add a new case statement: case 'clientexec-sha256': $temp = explode(':', $stored_hash); $algo = isset($temp[0]) ? $temp[0] : 'sha256'; $iterations = isset($temp[1]) ? $temp[1] : 1000; $salt = isset($temp[2]) ? $temp[2] : null; $hash = isset($temp[3]) ? $temp[3] : null; $new_hash = hash_pbkdf2($algo, $password, $salt, $iterations, 0, true); return substr(base64_encode($new_hash), 0, 32) == $hash; Edit ~/config/blesta.php and change: // Set to true to enable support for legacy passwords (plain md5). Set to false for improved security Configure::set("Blesta.auth_legacy_passwords", false); // The legacy password algorithm to use if legacy passwords are enabled Configure::set("Blesta.auth_legacy_passwords_algo", "md5"); to: // Set to true to enable support for legacy passwords (plain md5). Set to false for improved security Configure::set("Blesta.auth_legacy_passwords", true); // The legacy password algorithm to use if legacy passwords are enabled Configure::set("Blesta.auth_legacy_passwords_algo", "clientexec-sha256"); Then, continue with the import. If you don't care about user passwords, you can import anyway and users can reset their passwords using the password reset feature in Blesta. Did you give the importer a try? Let us know what you think below.
    2 points
  3. I just wanted to say thanks to the team for including a lot of nice new features including 2397, 1779, 1873, 2283, 2375 and more.
    2 points
  4. Denroc

    Direcatadmin uppercase username

    Right so I tried the fix today but under 'username' that I mentioned above. I created a user called UpperMe and the account created successfully automatically and under the services menu showed Username upperme I changed line 1230 in /components/modules/direct_admin/direct_admin_php from 'username' => isset($vars['direct_admin_username']) ? $vars['direct_admin_username'] : null, to 'username' => isset($vars['direct_admin_username']) ? strtolower($vars['direct_admin_username']) : null, and NOT 'direct_admin_domain' as suggested by @Blesta Addons above.
    2 points
  5. I have been profiling this and each time the graphs are not rendered this error is displayed in the web browser console, may help to debug this, the script which errors looks to be nvd3 related, so guessing a timing issue when the scripts are loaded into the browser TypeError: ja.watchTransition is not a function
    1 point
  6. This a known issue .
    1 point
  7. I have integrated Xero on our internal system (non blesta) and the flow is normally like this: Choose your API application type (private, public, partner). The partner application type is normally best to use for integration as you can swap expired OAUTH tokens for new ones; public does not allow this so access is limited to 30 minutes then you have to re-auth When creating an invoice (you can pass the Blesta Invoice Number into Xero to keep the Invoice Number's in sycn), first check if client email exists as a contact on Xero, if it does not create a new contact in Xero and store the Xero Contact GUID, else get the Xero Contact GUID if exists Pass the stored Xero Contact GUID when creating the invoice and store the Xero Invoice GUID When recording a transaction you will need to create an Xero Payment record and Xero Invoice GUID, the Xero Account ID (the bank account ID or the account code) and the payment date and amount Calls are GET, PUT, POST when connecting to the Xero XPI If you have any questions just get in touch via private message or here
    1 point
  8. Ok good, so it's working now? I thought it was not allowing you to change the permissions to 777. 777 is probably necessary because your web server runs as a different user than your FTP/cPanel user. Should be fine as long as your uploads directory is above your document root.
    1 point
  9. Make sure your uploads directory exists and is defined under Settings > System > General: Uploads Directory. Some tips: - The uploads directory should be above your document root or public_html directory so that it's not accessible directly via the web. - A common path to the uploads directory would be something like: **/home/user/uploads/** - Make sure the uploads directory is writable by your web server and cron users. 755 permissions are usually sufficient, but you may need to set it to 777 - Inside the uploads directory, you should have a directory called 1 (for the company ID), and system. - Plugins typically create their own directories within your company ID directory, but you may need to create them manually. These are the directories you should have under uploads: └── uploads ├── 1 │ ├── download_files │ ├── invoices │ ├── mass_mailer_files │ └── support_manager_files └── system
    1 point
  10. KenHC

    GoDaddy module

    Thanks for your response. I'm on php7, so that was a good catch!
    1 point
  11. Beav

    GoDaddy module

    please note modulegardens module is not encoded for php7. not sure your php version but im sure you can contact their support.
    1 point
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