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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/2017 in all areas

  1. Blesta Addons

    H2O markup system

    Blesta use H2O-php template system engine, is a good library, but as it was not updated from a yaers ago, and some issue was not fixed, it's now PHP7 compliance (class ParseError) . is blesta plan to move to a active template engine ? if yes, wich one ? {dwoo} is a updated template system that are used by alot of users today .
    3 points
  2. Paul

    Skrill API End Point Change

    Do you use Skrill? If so, you may have received an email from them that says something like: We are updating Skrill for Blesta 4.1 to use the new API endpoint, but if you need to use the new endpoint before you upgrade to 4.1, you can use the attached file. This is currently a test release, so please make sure it works for you before leaving it in place. Backup ~/components/gateways/nonmerchant/skrill/lib/skrill_api.php Upload the attached file, overwriting the one above Test skrill_api.php
    1 point
  3. Abdy

    H2O markup system

    Twig is another option. https://twig.symfony.com
    1 point
  4. Paul

    H2O markup system

    I think we had to modify H2O to get it to work with PHP 7. How does dwoo compare? Are there any others you think we should evaluate as well?
    1 point
  5. Why are we changing the 'domain' to lower? shouldn't it be this line? 'username' => isset($vars['direct_admin_username']) ? $vars['direct_admin_username']: null,
    1 point
  6. I set up an ISPConfig server and have someone working on a module. Once we have something to test, I'll get it to you. Man, I *really* wish ISPConfig had a bash installer. Their install docs take an hour and have you installing individual packages, compiling libraries, updating config files, before you even get to the part where you install ISPConfig. I think more people would use it if the installer handled all of that.
    1 point
  7. the upgrade/downgrade only is allowed for the same module, so no option to change them. we have found a way to change them with a helper plugin, this plugin we have developed to be compatible with all the core module, we have success to make it work, we have migrated from the old sslstore to the new sslstore, from Proxmox to Virtualizor Extended (custom module from us), some client has migrated from universal module to a custom module. the plugin is for experimental use only, you can PM me or contact us in our website to talk about the service.
    1 point
  8. Paul

    Direcatadmin uppercase username

    @Denroc CORE-2417 It may be in 4.1
    1 point
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