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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/2017 in all areas

  1. Our OpenNebula Module here for blesta is discounted 35% down to $65 for a owned license using coupon code: 541cSxsT it is valid until 7/15/17(this saturday)
    2 points
  2. Paul

    Direcatadmin uppercase username

    @Denroc CORE-2417 It may be in 4.1
    1 point
  3. The Mollie API documentation describes a process that mirrors the expectation for a Non-Merchant gateway in Blesta. I'm not familiar with the recurring/subscription process you mentioned, but I would expect it to function similar to subscriptions in PayPal Payments Standard (non-merchant gateway). Payment callbacks from the gateway for subscriptions should still create transactions in Blesta when using the callback URL for a Mollie Non-Merchant gateway. I don't think you need to worry about setting up a Merchant payment account in Blesta or trying to reconcile a hybrid of Non-Merchant and Merchant types (this would be unsupported anyway).
    1 point
  4. Paul

    WHMCS Importer Updated

    We are continuing to make other changes, and the importer will be updated in 4.1.
    1 point
  5. i have applied and we will see if still affected.
    1 point
  6. you fix it manually, open file /components/modules/direct_admin/direct_admin_php change line from (line should be 1129) 'domain' => isset($vars['direct_admin_domain']) ? $vars['direct_admin_domain'] : null, to 'domain' => isset($vars['direct_admin_domain']) ? strtolower($vars['direct_admin_domain']) : null, this should be a fix for your case .
    1 point
  7. Is this likely to be fixed? I use da on all my servers so if not I will have to use and alternative billing solution.
    1 point
  8. Thanks for your suggestion. We have had a talk in our team and we finally implemented it in a different way which is suitable for our envs. Thanks again for your help
    1 point
  9. when you have some services that is activated every day , it's a problem, as we know when we register a domain the action is reversible in 2 or 3 days, but for renewal is irreversible, and when we sell domain for 1$ of gain or less, in renewal we lose the entire amount, so to return the lose we need to sell 9 domains for one domain renewed in mistake . the past days we have not make attention to this issue as receive email notification with activation not for renewals . so you can imagine 2 or 3 domains activated daily with late payment, in 10 days how it should ?!! some bug are less important, other are higher, and we can live without them, but there are some bugs are critical like security holes and cases like this one, need urgent fix and patch . we have forced the manual review for all activation, but that has no sense when you announce instant activation !!!
    1 point
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