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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/2017 in all areas

  1. Paul

    Irc And Branded License

    Officially, you'd need an unbranded license to do that. Reason being is that we could get a lot of requests for what would be acceptable to change it to with a branded license. So with a branded license, officially, it should be unchanged. With that said, if you do change it to that, it's not likely anyone is going to complain.
    2 points
  2. take this, i use it and i can get the total services using the package X with option to filter per service status public function getUsedServices($package_id, $service_status = null) { $this->Record->select('services.id')->from('package_pricing')-> innerJoin('services', 'services.pricing_id', '=', 'package_pricing.id', false)-> where('package_pricing.package_id', '=', $package_id); if ($service_status) { $this->Record->where('services.status', '=', $service_status); } return $this->Record->numResults(); } you can use it as getUsedServices($package_id, 'active') to get total active services using the package X
    2 points
  3. mukesh

    support manager

    Directory path change
    1 point
  4. Jono

    New SSL Store Sync Bug

    I was looking into this just now and I think this might be happening intentionally. If we take a look at thesstore_plugin.php on line 212 we see: $end_date = date('Y-m-d h:i:s',strtotime($end_date. '-30 days')); //set 30 days earlier renewal date I'll probably also leave a comment to Nick on the github issue I see you've created.
    1 point
  5. https://blesta-addons.com/order/signup/index/registration
    1 point
  6. you can use my patch to get it working in CLI, or just clone the patched LicenceManger.php and include it in your scripts
    1 point
  7. kala

    LicenseManager and CLI version

    Same problem here....we have been scratching our head to get a clean solution without enforcing our own patch!
    1 point
  8. i think a update to the model is needed, either : 1 - correct the way of collecting the info . 2 - allow plugin to accept setting our own info to send (not the custom_data) , but the base info (ip, domain, path), something like setLicenseServerUrl() , why not setLicenseDomain(), setLicenseIP(), setLicensePath()
    1 point
  9. more debug: the fucntion @gethostbyaddr($data['ip']) is not reliable, as it return wroong domain instead of the domain if the ip has other reverse name. a sample case is blesta.com i think the license manager should has another approuch if the file called from CLI, finnaly we have arrived to make ad this to make it workig . // Set the IP if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'])) { $data['ip'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['LOCAL_ADDR'])) { // Windows IIS 7 support $data['ip'] = $_SERVER['LOCAL_ADDR']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { // If no IP found, perform lookup based on server name $data['ip'] = @gethostbyname($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); } elseif (isset(Configure::get('Blesta.company')->hostname)) { $data['ip'] = @gethostbyname(Configure::get('Blesta.company')->hostname); } // Set the domain if SERVER_NAME is available, otherwise perform lookup based on IP if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { $data['domain'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; } else if (isset(Configure::get('Blesta.company')->hostname)) { $data['domain'] = Configure::get('Blesta.company')->hostname; } else { $data['domain'] = @gethostbyaddr($data['ip']); }
    1 point
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