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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/01/2017 in all areas

  1. Alk

    Search content of tickets

    I would greatly value the ability to search the content of tickets. You see, I can't quite believe that no one has suggested this yet for Blesta or WHMCS...but I want to search the content of tickets and I can't. I've taken a look at WHMCS and you can't do it with WHMCS either. Yet, it is a pretty standard feature of helpdesk software (of which I have used many). Customers never subject title their emails correctly (if at all!) and often talk about multiple issues under one ticket (which often has a vague subject line which doesn't cover it). Therefore, the need to search the messages of tickets is a must in my eyes and if it were achievable, would be a plus point for Blesta. It is possible that this hasn't been developed already because of the strain? to search ticket content, but if other software can achieve it...surely Blesta can too? Also submitted to: https://requests.blesta.com/topic/search-content-of-tickets (posted here for awareness)
    1 point
  2. I like the idea, but it's not very simple to implement. A simple solution would result in staff getting spammed every time an incident occurs. A more measured approach is to log these kinds of issues, and then send out a single digest email once a day or at some interval to staff who are subscribed to receive those notices. The good news is that with 4.1 comes monolog, which means there is a common place that issues are starting to be logged to. Over time, monolog will handle more and more logging, and some type of staff notification system will be feasible.
    1 point
  3. Paul

    Search content of tickets

    It does seem like only the summary is searched. I presume this was done because searching all of the replies is time consuming, however it's certainly possible... we could search replies, and notes, and it's probably worth at least benchmarking to determine the impact. Besides, it's more acceptable to make the user wait longer when doing a specific search, ie a search on tickets only.
    1 point
  4. Thanks, I posted a comment / question on the requests site.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Probably I will publish a private beta soon.
    1 point
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