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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/23/2017 in all areas

  1. Sorry since i'm cross posting, but i might have posted my question in wrong place. Moderators, feel free to delete one of them. But i really need help to figure out how i can add a service option text field to grab a username for a module i've created. It's very simple module, straight from examples https://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/Module+Methods In WHMCS it was very easy for me to do so. And i don't any flexibility to add from Manage module like with Universal Module, but just a simple text field and read that service option field to provision users. Thanks
    1 point
  2. /callback/gw/1/paypal_payments_standard/ is the correct path, assuming your Blesta is install in the root web. If Blesta is at sub.domain.com, then sub.domain.com/callback/gw/1/paypal_payments_standard/ would be correct and should just return a blank page with HTTP 200 response (not a 404) Assuming that is correct, it's also important that the paypal email address match a client. This is how Blesta decides where to apply the payment, it checks for a matching email address. If the email does match, it should be applied. If it does not match, that subscription should be cancelled and re-created within Blesta or the customers email address should be updated to match. In the future we want to store subscription id's and reference them that way instead, which would resolve this kind of issue.
    1 point
  3. Michael

    Centovacast Module

    he's a reseller mate not a root user.
    1 point
  4. sometimes when we edit invoice, and apply changes, the invoice is closed and the amount is 0, after we see the invoice we found nolines in it like this screen . this isue is only when we have upgraded to v4 . and is occasional .
    1 point
  5. Hope to see fix soon, as we work with this a lot every day, and is s pain and a time waste to recreate the invoice + some illegal usage when the invoice is closed with no line description, this can bring us trouble if any client claim about the how the invoice was (xx amount) then it converted to 0 after . at least post here the fix we should patch the invoice model as soon as possible .
    1 point
  6. we never tested in invoice created manually. only invoice created by the system and they service-related invoices . NO, and i have disabled all plugin for 1 day, and is still happen . tested, and i was able to replicate it . so i an confirm is a bug now . So finally this is the conclusion : 1 - create new service (invoice method = Create Invoice). 2 - edit invoice, (remove original line, add a new line), Save (modify invoice) 3 - check the invoice
    1 point
  7. in your module file, you will find the fucntion public function getClientAddFields($package, $vars = null) add the fallowing code $user_name = $fields->label('Enter Username', 'username'); $user_name->attach( $fields->fieldText( 'username', $this->Html->ifSet($vars->username), ['id' => 'username'] ) ); // Set the label as a field $fields->setField($user_name); for blesta password, you can't get the password, if you can got it, then you can send a exploit CVS to blesta
    1 point
  8. Tried all suggestions, nothing fixed it, thanks for the help tho . So i downgraded to 3.6.2 to get rid of the bugs.
    1 point
  9. We would also like to have the feature to set discounts based on Client Groups as mentioned above. Any ETA decided yet? Thanks.
    1 point
  10. I do not fully understand your question. Let me try and say it back to you: You created a custom module with Blesta in PHP. You would like during the order process for someone to enter a custom field called username (which is not the same and 100% different username of the person logged into Blesta) and you grab that input? Have you looked at ModuleFields? https://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/ModuleFields The other way to do this, is use the Universal Module, add a custom field to the order process. The Universal Module has a very useful option to make external ReST calls when an order is submitted. You would listen for this ReST call and then put all your business logic in that call. Blesta Admin -> Modules -> Managed Universal Module -> Edit Product Label (create a product label if you have not already) -Adam
    1 point
  11. the discount will be set in the packages section (add/edit) ? or in other new place for client groups? this feature is exactly what we want , any ETA ? we have a plugin that change the client group for every client basing in total received money , so if a client has activated/renewed services and payed a total amount that equal or more than xxxxx the plugin change the client group to (gold/bronze/vip) , not it left only the option to make a global discount of fixed or percent amount for packages.
    1 point
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