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[Module] Observium module
PauloV and 2 others reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
Observium Module For Blesta We are excited to announce the release of one of the advanced module for blesta, is OBSERVIUM, with this module you can add port as a service and asign it to a client, the client can view the real time statistique and the overusage and the projected overusage, the click can also see the graph bandwith from X to X date . the admin also can see stats and graph for observium port, admin can also change the assigned port to the client and add a new one. Admin can set the bandwith calculation, either 95th or total bandwith, can set the price of the overusage bandwith witht a selected unit. the module come with a helper plugin, is used to generated the overusage invoices in the ifrst of every month for the last month. the module also come with thier own api wrapper for blesta, just upload the file to the HTML directory of observium. Compatibility the plugin is fully compatible with Blesta v4 & Blesta v3 Features - Module fully customisable from package section. - Assign port to client. - Clients/Admins can view real time usage, stats and ghraphs for a selected period. - The helper plugin for observium is used to generate invoice for overusage. Screenshots overview of bandwith Graph Overview Real time port bandwidth info Order More Info the price is 49.99$ Yearly , (or 5$ Monthly in case any one want to test the module before make the yearly subscription) . you can order here. any bug/feedback report it here . best regards3 points -
Might not work for some. You can give per package options to choose which packages would be shown on the upgrade/downgrade page.2 points
This is intentional for now, because even if a module is used by a cancelled service, the system may reference it and produce errors. It's likely we will change this, by more fully separating packages from services, in which case this will become much more flexible. If you wanted to remove them, I'd suggest removing the services that are associated manually in the database, then trying to remove the module. Of course, always back up everything first.2 points
Yeah he got upset at me and made accusations - even though I never even accessed his Blesta. I do the work on my own site - I do not access clients blesta installs. Heck I didn't even process and begin his order yet when he was ticketing accusations against me. Kindly stop slandering my business. Thanks!1 point
email notification in universal module
activa reacted to Blesta Addons for a question
we have worked with universal module is a small services that didn't need need any API or any advanced tabs. we noticed that the suspend, UN-suspend and other email notification didn't add the service ID or the service label or the client ID in it, we just receive a text we have added . so we can't know wish service it suspended or need our attention to manually do some task !!! is their a option we have missed in the conf ? as we didn't say any service tags available in the email notification . if not available, is possible to add at least the service ID to email notification title or body ?1 point -
Auto Updating
Blesta Addons reacted to Paul for a topic
I've marked it planned, but there are other items that we need to knock out first.1 point -
What was the error you received with piping? Do you have the mailparse extension installed in your CLI version of PHP? If you ssh in, you could run something like: php -i | grep mailparse to see if it's installed. Regarding piping, in the docs use the example that shows piping to simply pipe.php (Whatever the real path is) Make sure pipe.php is executable, and the hashbang is correct on line 1, which is the path to PHP on your system.1 point
is really a pain for me. If every thing need a manual intervention , and sometimes we need to pay for other dev to accomplish with this .1 point
We would need to distinguish which packages are considered an "upgrade" and which a "downgrade". We could do that simply by observing the sort order of packages within the group, but I don't know if that would work for everyone. Thoughts?1 point
Upgrade to Blesta 4.0.1 Issue - Please Help
activa reacted to Jason Ryan for a question
Would like to thank Paul for helping me out on this, between this Forum and Blesta's own Support Portal you are guys are champions! Thanks to everyone who attempted to pitch in, was a weird issue but have it pretty much sorted out now.1 point -
For anyone wondering, this is resolved now. I don't know what the issue was, I simply uploaded 4.0.1, ran the upgrade, and the license validated fine.1 point
Show If Line Invoice Attached To A Service
activa reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
the task has been completed in v4. in v3 we have added the asterisk but it was not sufficient , then we have changed the asterisk with the service_id and it was very helpful to identify the related service to the line . is possible to add a popup or add near to the cog the service id number . NOTE: it totally easy to add this manually by myself, but we prefer to see this in the core files .1 point -
Go to the page(s) you want to quick link and you'll see a star on the left side of your screen just below the menu. Click it and it'll turn solid yellow meaning you've created a quick link.1 point
We've been replying via ticket, but the most likely cause is that the Blesta.system_key does not match the database. This is a good place for someone with the same issue to start: https://docs.blesta.com/display/support/Encrypted+Data+Won't+Decrypt1 point
I updated your ticket. The credit card data appears to be invalid, and should be re-saved. Possible encryption issue.1 point
Support Manager - Email Template
activa reacted to Jason Ryan for a question
Paul - I don't want to go overboard with the information provided in the email, but having things like Email & Phone Number may also be beneficial in the Ticket email that is sent to Staff. Especially in instances where I could contact that specific client right from the email if I am out on the road or away from my desk. -- Ticket #: 4428666 Status: Awaiting Staff Reply Priority: Medium Department: Website Support -- Currently, that is all the information being provided in the email and there is no indication as to who it is from. Also, as mentioned it would be great if the direct link to the ticket itself would be nice as well.1 point -
Make a custom css file or use a custom one from Zomex, and then put: .nav-content{ margin-bottom: 50px; }1 point
Paul nailed it - iconv() was missing from the PHP installation.1 point
Domain Manager - We need your feedback on domains
domaingood reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
we are testing the order form template for hosting provider in that website, at the moment is working fine with a few simple issue that was fixed now ... we will release it when we are soon to v4 final .1 point