A new Centovacast module is available, but it's an early alpha.
To install, download the attached centovacast.zip and unzip the file. Upload the centovacast directory to ~/components/modules/ and go to Settings > Company > Modules to install it.
Please give it a spin and give us your feedback. Here's a sample welcome email you can use for your Package:
we are working in a plugin that handle the late fee . what we have do?
the plugin has a settings to setup
days after considerate the invoice is late (XX days).
the amount of the invoice late fee (percent of invoice % or Fixed amount)
every day a cron run to identify the invoice(s) that are late, then it a create a new invoice with the late fee amount .
you think this is enough or we should add more features ? we need any idea/feedback that help to provide a quality plugin for all .
Ok, so a couple points:
When a payment account is created, if it's the only one, set it as the default.
When a payment account is created, and it's not the only one, ask if it should be the default?
I just took a few minutes to contact them (even though we don't use their service) and they're going to look into the issue(s). Hopefully they'll decide to make their own module to support Blesta and maintain it. Who knows but it's worth a shot to help @kikloo and others.
we are almost finished the plugin, we have added support for
sending email to client when late fee is created .
a minimum amount for late fee .
sample email :