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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/2017 in all areas

  1. Have you removed the not needed folders from the helpers from 4.0.0 which was in 3.x.x that is most likely why?
    3 points
  2. we are almost finished the plugin, we have added support for sending email to client when late fee is created . a minimum amount for late fee . sample email :
    2 points
  3. You're welcome we had that issue which is why Paul suggested removing them and made it part of the blog post / docs
    2 points
  4. That worked thank a lot @Licensecart
    2 points
  5. we are working in a plugin that handle the late fee . what we have do? the plugin has a settings to setup days after considerate the invoice is late (XX days). the amount of the invoice late fee (percent of invoice % or Fixed amount) every day a cron run to identify the invoice(s) that are late, then it a create a new invoice with the late fee amount . you think this is enough or we should add more features ? we need any idea/feedback that help to provide a quality plugin for all .
    1 point
  6. fossxplorer

    Backup download problems

    Looks like i sorted out all the issues.
    1 point
  7. I haven't, let me try that mate.
    1 point
  8. I would highly recommend not modifying existing tables. Plugins are designed to be able to create or modify their own tables, but modifying core tables could prove very problematic. In terms of tying into existing functionality, you might look at Event Handlers also known as hooks. Tying into the Invoices.add event, would allow you to edit an invoice right after it's created and add additional line items or make other modifications to it before it's emailed out. If you need to display additional information on an invoice that's not there now, or can't be added by modifying an existing invoice, you should create your own tables for this data. It then may be necessary to create a custom invoice template that one could use instead of the default, that could fetch the information from those new tables for display.
    1 point
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