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  1. Yes, Discount will be applied after you enter your domain name, Company name and then click on continue. Order Link with coupon code
    2 points
  2. Paul

    WHMSonic Module

    A new WHMSonic module is available, but it's an early alpha. To install, download the attached whmsonic.zip and unzip the file. Upload the whmsonic directory to ~/components/modules/ and go to Settings > Company > Modules to install it. whmsonic.zip (UPDATED 5/12/17) Sample Email:
    1 point
  3. Hello I notice when the payment page comes up it redirects after a few seconds to non-subscription, (I have one time and subscription enabled) there are link logos for customers to choose if to do a one time or subscription with PayPal so why does it automatically go to the one time payment, shouldn't it stay on the page till the customer chooses the payment they want? Is this how Blesta works? Thank you for any advice on this.
    1 point
  4. This can be in our TODO LIST for upcoming releases, not the first release, and can be a client group instead of client per client .
    1 point
  5. So we will add a new option fo fixed amount
    1 point
  6. Placed the order, please apply the discount. Account Slu Hosting
    1 point
  7. Ah some charge a late fee of a fix amount
    1 point
  8. every project need a investment in it, the investment is the major factor to gain time and add marketing campaigns to achieve new customers. why not Blesta search investors for this project?
    1 point
  9. The plugin has been updated, now the language are translated also for logged in clients . just upload the client_controller.php in the extras plugin to app/ directory . any other feedback are welcome . now the plugin is fully supporting the gateways name translated, knowledge base of support manager, the logged in clients also, the Blesta Cms pages/blogs ect...
    1 point
  10. Blesta Addons

    Blesta 4 on PHP7

    is one of our products, we will happy to know , we can provide a patched version of php7 if needed. regarding the thread when we test it it was no issues, but it was a test server, and i believe only the production environment can lead you to a real issues
    1 point
  11. Virtualizor Module should really a full rewrite, in thier forums exist some thread about some issue with blesta, i can't believe the actual module was written by a team that has a big product in the market!!
    1 point
  12. i have not experienced this issue, or any clients has reported it, but if exist a redirect time in the payment page, i think it should be removed. is a payment page, that mean probably it can convert to a money, really i don't like the redirect idea. instead why not a popup Message about that should be displayed to the user to invite him to make the payment as soon as possible .
    1 point
  13. Blesta Addons

    WHMSonic Module

    every time we have a new module is a great work.
    1 point
  14. I just noticed that the add ons should have the same fix applied that CORE-2016 addressed.
    1 point
  15. Paul


    Did someone say WHMSonic? It's an early release, and we're going to put it on Github. If you can test and let us know in that thread of any issues, we'll take a look and try to get it fixed up.
    1 point
  16. Paul


    This is one I want personally myself. It's tentatively assigned to 4.1, but is not assigned to any of the planned sprints. I bumped it to the top of the backlog, so we'll see. If not 4.1 (which is well underway), probably 4.2. I don't want to delay 4.1, but if there's time we'll have a look at it.
    1 point
  17. Daniel B

    Payment Received Date

    For me, I'd say just adding the "Date Received" field to the receipt would work. A receipt is a record of when the client pays you, not when you apply that payment to their account. So I think having both the Date Received and the Date Applied on the transaction receipts would work just fine (or some logic to only show one if they are the same date).
    1 point
  18. cPanel is not removing the old WHM authentication anytime soon. It will be years, and I mean years, before cPanel fully deprecates the old style key based authentication in favor for the ReST one. This should not be the only reason holding you back on upgrading.
    1 point
  19. Anyone happen to have a Welcome Email for domains that they are willing to share with the community? Edit: nvm, found the one I had used before...just took a little digging. Licensecart for the win https://licensecart.com/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/view/273/how-can-i-sell-domains/11/
    1 point
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