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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/2017 in all areas

  1. Paul

    What has changed in v4 ?

    If you create a single feature request for 20 features it's pretty much guaranteed to be ignored. When we consider a request, and change it's status to "Planned", for example, it means we are planning to do what the task describes. If there are 20 things in the task, and we only plan to do 5 of them, well, you can see the problem. Now, if the feature request is something like "Add an Affiliate System", we don't expect that to be broken down into every feature of the affiliate system in separate requests. That would be ridiculous. While there may be many parts to an affiliate system, it's a single new feature. Making 20 changes to an existing feature isn't a single request, it's 20. And that's what we're talking about when we're talking about adding improvements to the Support Manager. For example, this request - https://requests.blesta.com/topic/support-tickets-add-a-from-column-on-ticket-list-page is very specific, and concise, and it has already been scheduled for development. This is a good example of a feature request. Thinking about it this way makes it easier for us to look at a request, approve it, create a task for it in Jira, and follow it through to completion.
    2 points
  2. The term is simply the period that is charged for. If you want them to be charged every week, just put "1" in the term box, and select "week" for the period. Simple as that.
    2 points
  3. Daniel B

    What has changed in v4 ?

    I'd rather them spend their time working on the to-do list they already have instead of looking through tons of posts and plugins for things to add. I'd say if we don't have the time to request them, they don't have the time to implement them
    1 point
  4. today i tested the plugin with a big client base, and it was trigger for spam activities and it was reported by our mail filters . as i have blesta in it own server we have removed the limitation, but this will be problem for websites that use shared hosting or any smtp mail server provider .
    1 point
  5. Blesta Addons

    Payment Received Date

    just to note , date received is deferent from date applied . date received = i can add check today or any time. date applied = when the credit applied to a invoice. sample case, my client has added funds today (date received), then after 10 days the client opt to pay the invoice with their credit (date applied).
    1 point
  6. Already did for some of them. Although, I do not have time to post a separate request for each and everyone of them as previously requested. ========== Hopefully Blesta will see this post and take the personal initiative to put it on their own "To-Do" list.
    1 point
  7. Paul

    Release 4.0.1

    Version 4.0.1 is now available. Please see the announcement. This is a patch release that corrects issues with 4.0.0. Patching Blesta See Patching Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Release Notes See Blesta Core - Version 4.0.1. See all Change Logs.
    1 point
  8. OVH , SoYouStart and Kimsufi Dedicated server management For Blesta Blesta Addons is pleased to release OVH, SoYouStart and Kimsufi Provisioning module for Blesta. The module is easy to setup, and is linked with the API system. The Provisioning module provides an enhanced to control customer actions i.e. Server Reboot/Re-install/Recovery Mode, Enable/Disable Ftp-Backup. The module allow your customers to use GUI to manage features such as Reboot, Re-install, Ftp-Backup, Usage History and more. Also you can show additional important information of your dedicated server such as Datacenter Allocated, Operating system Installed, Virtual Mac address Used, Connection Speed, Bandwidth Used and more from your client panel of Blesta. this module allow you to resell ovh, soyoustart and kimsufi servers Client Area Feature Basic server information display FTP backup management Allow/Deny feature per server Interventions history Tasks History Control option like (Reboot, Reinstall OS, Netboot) Track Re-Installation Progress Supported Endpoints OVH Europe OVH North America Supported Brands OVH Soyoustart Kimsufi Screenshots See second post. Order Info More Info the price is 49.99$ Yearly , (or 5$ Monthly in case any one want to test the module before make the yearly subscription) . you can order here. any bug/feedback report it here . best regards
    1 point
  9. Oh my, Christmas has just come early.
    1 point
  10. To be honest, Blesta can't handle the hosting market aspect, we have made a huge change in our order form but still we are away from offering a true hosting business, this is caused by the core limitation. we hope in v4.1 this aspect change .
    1 point
  11. Awaiting staff or client reply is a good status and already requested but not yet implemented in the core.
    1 point
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