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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/2017 in all areas

  1. mlsto

    PayPal IPN Failure Since Change

    Thank you for the assistance @cyandark I have decided to cancel all PayPal subscriptions as I did not want to have persons move to another client folder again after having moved from CE, people are still resetting passwords. I think this is best. Only thing is some are asking why the cancelled subs in PayPal so having to answer these but think this is the best way.
    2 points
  2. Abdy

    PayPal IPN Failure Since Change

    Send me a PM with your blesta installation link to check if i can help you
    2 points
  3. Paul

    Deleting Support Tickets

    Is this the issue where contacts are unable to open or reply to tickets? We are unable to duplicate this after many hours of testing. https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-2361 (Thanks @evolvewh) If you think it's still an issue, please do a fresh install of Blesta without any 3rd party extensions or modifications and try to duplicate. If you can, please provide exact steps.
    2 points
  4. evolvewh

    Deleting Support Tickets

    I don't think they have plans to implement much of anything, if anything at all from that plugin. They do plan on allowing us to delete tickets and they're adding filters on the admin side and the 'from' column. It looks like they were unable to re produce the other issue you're having and I know we get tickets from 'sub accounts' all the time as well. CORE-2361
    2 points
  5. Yes, WHM API 1 (not 0). cPanel has a few SDKs. Their official one is only for XML responses https://github.com/CpanelInc/publicapi-php But they also support JSON. All API functions support XML and JSON. If you look at their confluence page for all SDKs, they provide sample Perl and JSON code. Example: https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/SDK/Guide+to+API+Authentication+-+API+Tokens Here a list of 3rd party cPanel libraries. PHP is included. https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/SDK/Quickstart+Development+Guide+-+Libraries -Adam
    2 points
  6. STAY AWAY from License Cart TL;DR - Poor license support, Even poorer customer service. A break up story. Dec 18th - Bought a Year's License from LicenseCart + Multi-Company licenses. Michael Dance was pretty helpful answering all Questions and I thought my time with them would be smooth and pleasant. I've since then have become extremely frustrated with Michael and the Licensecart team as my (now) Yearly license + 3 addon licenses have for the last 5 months have been unactivated and needed re-activation repeatedly. I don't get real-time alerts on when licenses go down, so until I go verify them myself, I don't know for how long my helpdesks have been down for. Every month, I had to go re-activate my licenses with Licensecart, where I've put in friendly requests to keep them up and running as I paid for a Year. Unfortunately, they never did so. April 26th - My license goes down again. With my live environment, I kindly request a pro-rated refund for un-used time. Frustrated yes, but no harsh language, just a request to refund my unused time. For efficiency, I calculated the remaining time and requested a refund via PayPal. LicenseCart's Response: My entire account is removed, terminated, 0 access to support or the ability to reply, a very snarky reply from Michael. And...of course. 0 reimbursement in Paypal. I'm moving on with purchasing licenses directly from Paul @ Blesta. Would no longer recommend LicenseCart, although their prices and knowledge of the platform are some of the best in the community. I'll update this ticket honestly if Michael replies back to me privately to apologize, and/or if the pro-rated refund ever comes.
    1 point
  7. Tyson

    PDO Port handling bug

    Thanks for the report. This will be fixed in CORE-2368 for the next release.
    1 point
  8. I think the intent was to produce a patch file that you can run from the command line and fill in all the changes automatically, or fail if it can not. However it looks like @Hix posted an diff based on an older RCS format. Creating a diff with the diff -u option would be better and easier to understand, IMO. -Adam
    1 point
  9. Looking forward to the new update, running a reseller account so the ability to use this in conjunction will be a nice change
    1 point
  10. Anyone happen to have a Welcome Email for domains that they are willing to share with the community? Edit: nvm, found the one I had used before...just took a little digging. Licensecart for the win https://licensecart.com/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/view/273/how-can-i-sell-domains/11/
    1 point
  11. We will make a full rewrite of the code, and the fix will be applied for next release .
    1 point
  12. I Think this can be done via event , i found the fallowing request is designed for such cases http://requests.blesta.com/topic/events-for-gateway-manager
    1 point
  13. Abdy

    PayPal IPN Failure Since Change

    Yes, This code works only if is exactly the same directory.
    1 point
  14. That was the conclusion of this thread .
    1 point
  15. Don't directly insert a date using date('c'). That includes timezone information and is not formatted the same as the field is expecting. Save a UTC date in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
    1 point
  16. i have made a request in blesta requests last week for the same feature it's waiting your votes
    1 point
  17. I've spotted a few of our clients who aren't using Two Factor Authorisation and so to try and push clients to use this cool feature, I've put this warning on the client area. And thought I'd pass it onto the community who would also like to use it. In /app/views/client/bootstrap/structure.pdt under the Blesta Nav you can paste this code: <?php if ($this->Html->ifSet($logged_in)) { if ($client->two_factor_mode === 'none'){ ?> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <div class="alert alert-danger alert-dismissible" role="alert"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button> <strong>Warning!</strong><br /> <p style="margin-top: 0px !important;font-size: 13px;"> It seems you haven't activated Two Factor Authorization yet? It's a security feature in which you provide two means of identification to log into your account.<br> You can enable it <a href="//licensecart.com/customers/main/edit/" class="alert-link">here</a> under "Authentication". </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php } } ?> All you need to edit there is the licensecart.com to your Blesta installation url. It will display a message like so:
    1 point
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