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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/2017 in all areas

  1. Pro-rata invoices don't seem to include appropriate coupon discounts. This can be consistently recreated by creating a service, adding a recurring coupon to it, and adjusting configurable options with pro-rate enabled resulting in a pro-rated invoice being generated but no coupon discount applied to it.
    1 point
  2. Paul

    Deleting Support Tickets

    We aren't going to include the Support Manager Pro with our distribution, it's not compatible and there's a lot of features that we don't think were implemented in the best way. I moved this task to the top of the backlog. As we continue with development for 4.1, if there is time, it will be considered for 4.1.
    1 point
  3. Michael

    In which File would I find....

    It does work on v4 mate sorry about that article is for our cms customers haha Search for: $this->Html->ifSet($title) ? $this->Html->_($title, true) : $this->_("AppController.client_structure.default_title", true)
    1 point
  4. mlsto

    In which File would I find....

    Hello Michael Does this work in v4, tried to copy the code off your page but believe it is protected. https://licensecart.com/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/view/482/welcome-the-client-or-welcome-them-back/12/ If it works where exactly in structure.pdt do I put it, what section of the file. Thank you
    1 point
  5. we will discuss the monthly pricing for this and other products .
    1 point
  6. Not correct . The most provider offer it, cloudlinux based server have this also .
    1 point
  7. Ran into a few cases of what appears to be described by CORE-1597 post-4.0 upgrade. I believe there was some other patch having to do with this in 3.x but I can't seem to locate it. Any ETA on when this seemingly-minor fix might be implemented?
    1 point
  8. Yes, but I wanna say there was a hotfix as I clearly recall us running into it and y'all fixing it. I dug through our emails and couldn't find it, but then I found this item.
    1 point
  9. i want to share with the community my modified cpanel module . UPDATED TO 2.1.1 and now compatible with blesta 3.2.1 IF YOU WANT TO THANK ME WITH A LITTE DONATION , you can do it with PAYPAL DONATION from here this module is based to the core cpanel module , this modification to files only , no database change , if you do'nt like it delate it and upload the core module . this module has : - some extra info account summary ; - new tab for clients , that they can change thier cpanel password ; - new tab for logins , client can now log to cpanel/webmail/phpmyadmin/whm -just for resellers) this feature may exist in the extended cpanel module, but this one for who don't need to move from the core module . i will try to add more options next time . to install just upload the cpanel folder to the modules folders and ovveride the the old one . any suggestion/bug report it here . you can download from the github reposity https://github.com/Blesta-Addons/Cpanel enjoy
    1 point
  10. yes it's compatible, you can use it and you can remove it safely. it didn't need any database or setting to change .just upload the files or delete them and re-upload the core files to use the default one.
    1 point
  11. Aren't all the gateway callbacks more or less the same Configure::set("Blesta.gw_callback_url", "http" . (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != "off" ? "s" : "") . "://" . (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : "localhost") . WEBDIR . "callback/gw/"); Specifically for paypal the notify url is built 'notify_url' => Configure::get('Blesta.gw_callback_url') . Configure::get('Blesta.company_id') . '/paypal_payments_standard/?client_id=' . $this->ifSet($contact_info['client_id']),
    1 point
  12. you should enable/check the option "Allow Clients to Change Service Terms" under Settings -> Billing/Payment -> Invoice and Charge Options
    1 point
  13. this is not downgrade or upgrade, is term change , client can change term via service tabs
    1 point
  14. SHare your solution for others ...
    1 point
  15. Paul

    WHMCS to Blesta & features

    There is a VestaCP module, it will be on Github soon.
    1 point
  16. Never used them but Stripe is a great merchant gateway, we've never had issues and if they have auto debit enabled then they will be charged automatically.
    1 point
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