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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/19/2017 in all areas

  1. Well, that was odd. At Paul's suggestion, I uninstalled the Stripe gateway. Deleted payment accounts for clients. Re-installed the Stripe gateway. And had my test client set up their payment account again. Success. We're both unsure of what the cause was, but it is working now. Thanks Paul!!
    2 points
  2. Multi Languages For Blesta We are excited to announce the release of our advanced plugin Multi Languages, this plugin will give you the option to convert your Blesta installation in multi-languages, not only will make language selector to your clients/visitors, but it will translate the untranslated part of Blesta, like menus, gateways name, Support manager KB. you can also add icons to your menu links out of the box, the plugin is designed to work in almost any installation type (subfolder/subdomain ...ect) . we have also make it totally compatible with our Seo Tools plugin, also we have make it compatible with Blesta CMS plugin . Compatibility the plugin is fully compatible with Blesta v4 .v3 will be soon available also Features - Translate Links Menus - Add Home Links for authenticated users - Allow Select/Change any Languages - flag-icon-css integrated to use. Recommended modules * Blesta CMS Plugin --- Tested and fully compatible * Seo Tools Plugin --- Tested and fully compatible Prices the plugin is PAID, with a small yearly subscription 19.99$, open source version available with addon of 100$ . Demo the plugin is tested in some site you can check it online : http://blesta-addons.com/ http://naja7host.com/en/ Order you can order the plugin from this link Screenshoots Best Regards
    1 point
  3. Pro-rata invoices don't seem to include appropriate coupon discounts. This can be consistently recreated by creating a service, adding a recurring coupon to it, and adjusting configurable options with pro-rate enabled resulting in a pro-rated invoice being generated but no coupon discount applied to it.
    1 point
  4. thank Alex for your interest, we are not offering any trial for our product, we test them in some heavy sites before any release, we release them until we think is totally workable in any production Blesta system . some of your module we offer monthly term for testing purpose . in though, we ill offer trials when blesta complete the task CORE-504.
    1 point
  5. Part of the issue is that Blesta doesn't actually reference the PayPal subscription ID. Each IPN call is unique to the client ID, which works fine except when importing from another system. So, if there is no client ID, Blesta tries to match the right account by email address. This works fine if the PayPal email is the same as the client email. The best solution would be if Blesta stores the PayPal subscription ID, and uses that as a reference.
    1 point
  6. You can add that free month package to a package group that contains paid packages. If upgrades/downgrades are allowed for the package, they can upgrade to the paid one in the client area. The only problem is that they could also downgrade to the free one. We have a task to allow package switching for free trials. Order Package A, then after x days, switch the Package automatically to Package B. However, this is not done yet. The way you have it set up, it may be a manual process. As an admin, you can use the Reassign Pricing plugin to switch to another package outside the package group. You could do this after it's ordered and provisioned, and then it will simply renew at the new package price unless they cancel. Takes a little manual work.
    1 point
  7. Just to quickly add to this one, > /dev/null 2>&1 pipes everything to the abyss, which means you'll even lose errors. you may wish to remove the 2>&1 so you still get emails if there is an error, it may be helpful in the event errors occur, instead of silently failing :). FYI: >/dev/null = Pipe standard out to /dev/null 2>&1 = Pipe standard error to standard out, which in turn pipes to /dev/null so removing 2>&1 means stderr (standard error) will still come through, so you'll get emails in the event of errors, otherwise not. there are other ways to monitor your systems to ensure errors are picked up quickly, but they vary widely in complexity depending on requirements, so this is a rather simple approach, but can still be effective. YMMV, but monitoring, logging, trend analysis, etc will help considerably with bug and outage detection, allowing you to maintain higher uptime and business continuity.
    1 point
  8. Hi, We don't recommend create 1 package per TLD, We use in CyanDark 1 Package per Price, For Example The following TLDS: .com .net .org .info Have the same price, We create 1 package for this TLDs.
    1 point
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