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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/2017 in all areas

  1. Great work! Added these to my website at https://billing.bradfordwebdesignandhosting.com Also hello all (my first post)
    2 points
  2. we have unchecked "Use Package Pricing for New Services Only " . when the client switch to a currency that is not setup in the package prices, blesta make the exchange rate and show the price with the new currency . at here all thing is good . now hen the package has Configurable Options , blesta only show it if the selected currency are already set in the Configurable Options . is this a limitation of Blesta or we have something wrong in our system ? if we have 8 active currency , we need to enter 8 times the prices for each currency for every term, and that is a lot for manual work , also if the exchange rate change we need to update them all .
    1 point
  3. A good idea, I will be posting some requests shortly.
    1 point
  4. Thanks Cyandark!
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. hostnv_craig

    Trial Key

    Thanks very much i will do that
    1 point
  7. UPDATE Took a little more tweaking. I made two specific changes: It was necessary to add a fourth parameter to the UniversalModule->processService method to get the ServiceMeta into the notification POST data for Adds and Edits. I consciously delayed merging that data as long as possible. (see $NotifyVars) The old service fields data is passed along on an Edit to help the remote service know how to locate the record(s) being changed. public function addService($package, array $vars=null, $parent_package=null, $parent_service=null, $status="pending") { $ServiceMeta = array('package_id' => $package->id, 'module_id' => $package->module_id, ); $meta = $this->processService("add", $vars, $package, $ServiceMeta); public function editService($package, $service, array $vars=array(), $parent_package=null, $parent_service=null) { $ServiceMeta = array('client_id' => $service->client_id, 'service_id' => $service->id, 'package_id' => $package->id, 'module_id' => $package->module_id, 'old_service_fields' => $service->fields); $meta = $this->processService("edit", $vars, $package, $ServiceMeta); private function processService($type, array $vars, $package = null, $ServiceMeta) { if (isset($vars['use_module']) && $vars['use_module'] == "true") { $NotifyVars = array_merge($vars, $ServiceMeta); if (!$this->sendNotification("service_notice_" . $type, $meta, $module_row_id, $NotifyVars, $package->meta)) { $this->Input->setErrors(array('service_notice_' . $type => array('failed' => Language::_("UniversalModule.!error.service_notice_" . $type . ".failed", true)))); return; } }
    1 point
  8. Cody

    Structured Wiring My House

    I finished the project a while ago, though there is still some tidying up that needs to be done. The power I ran is feeding a zyxel 1U 24-port gigabit switch, my router, cable modem as well as a security camera dvr. I have plans to also power the directv swim box, just haven't relocated it yet. Also thinking of adding something like this https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004OG94VW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_oog5ybFTT0BAA to track power consumption. Ideally I would run a rack mountable surge protected network managed power supply, but they're expensive and I have no room left in my rack at the moment.
    1 point
  9. Iulian

    Issue with Converge

    The output just says "ccsale N;" However, I decided to sit down with our programmer and sift through the API for converge and i believe i found the issue. I cross referenced some older error reports and found that transactions through Blesta had an AVS code attached to them in Converge. But as of about three days ago Converge stopped displaying these logs at all but was enough for me to figure out the pattern. So there does look like an issue with Converge receiving the transactions from Blesta as they do not show up in the error batch report. So the exact issue is that we do not require the AVS verification to process our payments. We commented out the AVS fields and reprocessed a declined invoice and payment went through. The weird part is that it used to work fine until we hit a higher volume of customers. So the only other outstanding issue is that Converge doesn't seem to create error reports if transactions go through Blesta, but i'll relay that to my ticket with Converge. Thanks for your time Paul
    1 point
  10. Thanks evolvewh, appreciate That's great that he is upgrading it, from what I have seen from the new Blesta I love it but want to give clients a good experience and the cpanel extended is a good selling point, purchased it from Module Gardens years ago and was a great addition (my old days of Whmcs). I will definitely move Paul when all is ready with the module. Will keep checking to see when there is an update. Thanks again, great support and service here.
    1 point
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