I need to come back to this and document the code for anyone wanting to use this but I was able to modify the client area a bit for support tickets in v4.0
Version used: 4.0
Backup all Support Manager files and database first!!!
The following allows you to:
1) Add the status 'On Hold'
2) Add the different statuses in 'tabs' like you see above
3) Modify the status (mainly to change 'open' to Awaiting Staff or Client Reply')
What I did not do: I did not edit the 'tabs' on the client view page from the admin side; it's only edited under Support -->> Tickets on the admin and client side.
Line 8, add:
['name'=>$this->_('AdminTickets.index.category_on_hold', true) . ' <span>(' . $this->Html->_($status_count['on_hold'], true) . ')</span>', 'current'=>($this->Html->ifSet($status) == 'on_hold' ? true : false), 'attributes'=>['href'=>$this->base_uri . 'plugin/support_manager/admin_tickets/index/on_hold/', 'class'=>'ajax']],
Line 28, add:
$lang['AdminTickets.index.category_on_hold'] = 'On Hold';
Line 102, add:
'on_hold' => $this->SupportManagerTickets->getStatusCount('on_hold', $this->staff_id),
Line 179, add:
'on_hold' => $this->SupportManagerTickets->getStatusCount('on_hold', $this->staff_id, $client->id),
Line 15 - 19 become:
['name'=>$this->_('ClientTickets.index.category_open', true) . ' <span>(' . $this->Html->_($status_count['open'], true) . ')</span>', 'current'=>($this->Html->ifSet($status) == 'open' ? true : false), 'attributes'=>['href'=>$this->base_uri . 'plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/index/open/', 'class'=>'ajax']],
['name'=>$this->_('ClientTickets.index.category_awaiting_reply', true) . ' <span>(' . $this->Html->_($status_count['awaiting_reply'], true) . ')</span>', 'current'=>($this->Html->ifSet($status) == 'awaiting_reply' ? true : false), 'attributes'=>['href'=>$this->base_uri . 'plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/index/awaiting_reply/', 'class'=>'ajax']],
['name'=>$this->_('ClientTickets.index.category_in_progress', true) . ' <span>(' . $this->Html->_($status_count['in_progress'], true) . ')</span>', 'current'=>($this->Html->ifSet($status) == 'in_progress' ? true : false), 'attributes'=>['href'=>$this->base_uri . 'plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/index/in_progress/', 'class'=>'ajax']],
['name'=>$this->_('ClientTickets.index.category_on_hold', true) . ' <span>(' . $this->Html->_($status_count['on_hold'], true) . ')</span>', 'current'=>($this->Html->ifSet($status) == 'on_hold' ? true : false), 'attributes'=>['href'=>$this->base_uri . 'plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/index/on_hold/', 'class'=>'ajax']],
['name'=>$this->_('ClientTickets.index.category_closed', true) . ' <span>(' . $this->Html->_($status_count['closed'], true) . ')</span>', 'current'=>($this->Html->ifSet($status) == 'closed' ? true : false), 'attributes'=>['href'=>$this->base_uri . 'plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/index/closed/', 'class'=>'ajax']]
Lines 19-22:
$lang['ClientTickets.index.category_open'] = 'Awaiting Company Reply'; // Modify this any way you want to display to your clients in their account area
$lang['ClientTickets.index.category_awaiting_reply'] = 'Awaiting Client Reply'; // Modify this any way you want to display to your clients in their account area
$lang['ClientTickets.index.category_in_progress'] = 'In Progress';
$lang['ClientTickets.index.category_on_hold'] = 'On Hold';
Line 81 - 85 become:
'open' => $this->SupportManagerTickets->getStatusCount('open', null, $this->client_id),
'awaiting_reply' => $this->SupportManagerTickets->getStatusCount('awaiting_reply', null, $this->client_id),
'in_progress' => $this->SupportManagerTickets->getStatusCount('in_progress', null, $this->client_id),
'on_hold' => $this->SupportManagerTickets->getStatusCount('on_hold', null, $this->client_id),
'closed' => $this->SupportManagerTickets->getStatusCount('closed', null, $this->client_id)
Line 301, add:
where('support_tickets.status', '!=', 'on_hold')->
Line 1192, add:
'on_hold' => $this->_('SupportManagerTickets.status.on_hold'),
Through phpMyAdmin, update the database to add 'on_hold'
Table: support_tickets
Go to structure and add 'on_hold' to the status column