you will not recieve any error , the probleme is only you are not set the correct view dir . what you should do is the fallowing :
1 - create a file called blesta_cms_controller.php in the main root plugin directory with the fallowing content
* Blesta Cms Plugin
class BlestaCmsController extends AppController
* Setup
public function preAction()
$this->company_id = Configure::get("Blesta.company_id");
// Override default view directory
$this->view->view = "default";
$this->orig_structure_view = $this->structure->view;
$this->structure->view = "default";
in your admin_page.php change the code to fallowing :
class AdminPages extends BlestaCmsController
public function preAction()
// Parent pre-action
// Require login
// Load language
Language::loadLang('blesta_cms', null, PLUGINDIR.'blesta_cms'.DS.'language'.DS);
// Restore structure view location of the admin portal
$this->structure->setView(null, $this->orig_structure_view);
public function index()
//die("admin page");