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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/07/2017 in all areas

  1. Hello, It is resolved by using the following code provided by @Tyson require_once "path/to/license.php"; $server_url = "https://domain.com/path_to_blesta/plugin/license_manager/validate/"; $license_key = "YOUR LICENSE KEY"; // The license key $public_key = null; // The client's public key (if they have one) $shared_secret = "YOUR SHARED SECRET"; // A random shared secret value that exists for this Licese Module product $path_to_phpseclib = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "phpseclib". DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; // The path to the phpseclib library $license = new License($path_to_phpseclib); $license_manager = $license->getManager(); $license_manager->setLicenseServerUrl($server_url); $license_manager->setKeys($license_key, $public_key, $shared_secret); // Get the public key $public_key = $license_manager->requestKey(); var_dump($public_key);
    2 points
  2. Blesta version 4.0.0-b6 (BETA 6) is now available. You can download it from right here (Client Area Login Required). If you haven't seen the blog post announcement for 4.0.0 BETA 1, you can read it here. This is a BETA release. Beta releases are not considered stable enough for production use, and are UNSUPPORTED. DO NOT INSTALL IN A PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT. Please report any bugs you find in the v4 beta bug forum. Installing Blesta See Installing Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Upgrading Blesta See Upgrading Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Release Notes See Blesta Core - Version 4.0.0-b1-b6. SEE BETA 6 ONLY For older releases see all Change Logs. What to Test! 1. TEST EVERYTHING. Test email as well, both PHP and SMTP delivery as Swiftmailer was updated in this release. Known issues 1. None
    2 points
  3. ariq01

    Module: Gogetssl

    I've using gogetssl on blesta now. Everything is ok, no bug.
    1 point
  4. from package is impossible without hacking the core files . what i suggest is : 1 - create a custom plugin that has event in Appcontroller.preAction . 2 - listen from the event to all POST request . 3 - analyse the port to see if it include package fields (prices, package name, welcome email ect...) , if yes then call your API fucntion to send what you want. this is the only working solutions without hacking the core files .
    1 point
  5. Blesta Addons

    Observium Module

    We are Working in the module for some clients with custom request, after we finish it we will make it with standard features to feat anyone needs, and we will make it available for all the publics . any ideas or observation about how it should work is welcome .
    1 point
  6. I abandoned all CMS, and just went with plain old html5, with my IDE to perform my page content edits. Performance is better, and much less overhead.
    1 point
  7. timnboys

    Integrate Blesta or Not?

    really you wasn't aware of michael dance's aka @Licensecart 's blestacms product? because I have been using it for my whole website. it is better then wordpress and about the same easiness that you get with wordpress as well.
    1 point
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